Return To Berk

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*Astrids POV* 

   The sun had been replaced with the moon for a while, and I finally convinced myself to head home. We had just made it too the plaza when Stormfly squawked and looked up. "What's wrong girl?" And as if on cue, two black masses crash landed in front of us. One got up and I realized that it was a dragon, a Night fury. "Toothless?" I asked, walking closer to them. The dragon looked up and warbled at me kindly. "W-where's Hiccup?" He looked over at the other dragon. "Toothless, I don't understand, where is Hiccup and who is this other dragon?" He huffed and nudged the dragon, causing it to stir. It warbled to Toothless and he warbled back.

   By then, villagers had crowded around us confused. The chief made his way through the crowd, "Astrid? What's going on?" He said with a worried expression on his face. "I-I don't know chief.. All I know is that Toothless crash landed here with another night fury.." His eyes went from me to the dragons. "Where's Hiccup?" I shake my head "I don't know.. I asked him but he keeps looking back at his new dragon buddy." His brow furrowed in confusion.

   As Stoick went to speak, Toothless's dragon friend whined and Toothless nuzzled it and whined back. I gasped as I walked over and saw an arrow in the dragons leg. "Chief! The other dragon has been shot with an arrow!" He ran over to me and tried to get closer to the dragon duo but Toothless growled and stood over his friend. The two dragons then seemed to have a conversation. Toothless gestured at the crowd and growled. "I think he wants them to leave chief" I say still watching the dragons. He nodded and told everyone to go home.

   Toothless then grabbed his dragon friend by its tail and dragged beside a house. We followed in confusion. The dragons body started to morph and in a matter of seconds, a boy laidv  where the dragon once was. We realized quickly that that boy was Hiccup.

*Hiccups POV* 

   As Berk came into view, my word started to spin and I felt very lightheaded. "Toothless... I.." Then, everything went black.

   I was woken by something nudging my head. "Did we make it?" I warble weakly "Yes we did, you scared me..." I closed my eyes and just listened. "Astrid? What's going on?" It sounded like Stoick. "I-I don't know chief.. All I know is that toothless crash landed here with another night fury" That must be Astrid. "Where is Hiccup?" Stoick asked. "I don't know.. I asked him but he keeps looking at his new dragon buddy."

   I tried to tell them it was me, but my voice was gone, so it comes out as I whine. "Shh Hiccup, it's ok, we just need to get the villagers away then you can shift." I heard a gasp, "Chief! The other dragon has been shot with an arrow!" I heard them get closer and Toothless growled at them. "Toothless it's fine.. they want to help." I say, trying to open my eyes. "I know but-" I cut him off "Just get the crowd away please" He growled and gestured to the crowd which seemed to get the point across. "I think he wants them to leave chief." I hear Astrid say before the sound of villagers dies down.

"We need to move beside a house, can you stand?" I shake my head. "Ok well, I'm going to drag you by your tail if that's ok"  I nod and he drags me away. "Is it safe?" I ask, not being able to open my eyes. "Ya, I think so" I nod before I shift back into my human self.

  "....Hiccup?" I groan, trying to sit up. "The.. one and only" I joke and attempt to laugh, only to wince in pain. "Oh gods! What happened to you?!" Astrid says concerned "Astrid I-I'm fi-" The pain in my leg gets worse and I pass out again.

I wake up, expecting to be in Gothi's hut, but I'm.. well I actually have no idea where I am. "Toothless?" I call out while walking around, trying to figure out where I am and why. "Hiccup?" A soft voice calls out. "Hello?" I say turning around in the direction of the voice. "Why are you here Hiccup? It's not time" I looks around confused "Not time for what?" No answer. "hello?" I see a bright light then it's all dark again. 

   "-iccup! Hiccup! Are you ok? Please wake up?" It's Astrid. I open my eyes and realize I'm in Gothi's hut. "A-Astrid?" She looks up, her eyes are red and puffy, likes she had been crying. "Oh gods Hiccup! I thought I lost you!" She hugged me and buried her face in my shoulder. I returned before realizing my dragon friend was not there. "Where's Toothless?" She pulls away from the hug "He's at the docks with Stoick getting some fish." I nod "How long was I out?" She sighed "3 days" I choke on air "3 days?? wha- how?" She shrugs "I think Gothi said it's what ever was on the arrow." I nod "I don't know what they use, it's not dragon root because I was fine for most of the flight. Must be a sort of poison."

   "So, I take it the reason you had to leave was because you got these dragon powers?" I nod "Yep, I'm really sorry it took so long to come back.. I finished my training in about a month and was planning on coming back after that. But, some of my enemies found out about my powers and chased after me for 2 months.." She looked down. "I'm sorry you had to deal with that Hiccup.." I shrug "It's fine, you didn't cause any of this" She nodded.

   We stayed in silence for a few minutes until we heard the footsteps outside. Toothless walked into the room looking satisfied. He saw that I was up and bounded over to me. "Hiccup!! You're finally awake!!" I laugh and rub his head "Yep, hopefully we can go flying soon" At the mention of a flight together he jumped around happily "Not unless you make this hut cave in first!" I say jokingly and he stops and gives me a gummy smile.

   "Good to see you're up son, you gave us quite the scare the other day" I look up and see Stoick standing in the doorway. "Ya, sorry about that.." He nods "Its quite alright, I see your Norse has improved since last time." I nod "Yep, I've been practicing. Um, could someone ask Gothi when I will be able to fly?" Stoick nods before going to fetch the town healer. He comes back a few minutes later with the answer "She said you will be able to fly in a few days." I nod "Thank you"

   Stoick left the hut, leaving Astrid, Toothless and I in silence. "Ok, well, I need to take Stormfly out for a fly. I'll see you later Hiccup." I wave as she leaves "See ya.." I pat Toothless' head before laying back down, letting the darkness take over.

Hehehhehehehehehehehheheheheheh 1206 words woow makes up for the last chapter :)) I has a bad headache so this took longer to write than I thought. that's all I has to say k bye


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