Ask Away

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*Stoicks POV*

"I know you must have a lot of questions Hiccup, so ask away" I say.

"Ok.. my first.. question is... um.. if I am your son.. what does that.. mean for me?" The boy said looking down at the table. "What do you mean?" Valka said confused. "Well.. would I be... forced to stay... here? Would I be.. forced to be... heir?" He said, fidgeting with his fingers.

Valka and I spoke at the same time. "Of course not" she said. "Yes" I say, then look at my wife confused. Hiccup looks as confused as we are. "Stoick, we can't force the boy to stay, he's lived away all his life. Its unfair to him and his family" I nodded in agreement then looked towards Hiccup.

"So, no son, you would not have to be heir or stay on Berk." He sighed in relief. "I was.. also wondering if... I could maybe.. try and change.. the villages mind on dragons?" I thought for a second, then looked at Valka, who nodded. "I think that its time for a change around here, so yes."

With that Hiccup ran out of the door with a smile on his face.

*Hiccups POV*

"I think its time for a change around here, so yes" After he said that, I ran out of the house and called for toothless with a Night Fury roar. Which caused everyone around me to start panicking before realizing that it was me.

A few minutes later Toothless bounded towards me, wagging his tail like a dog. "You called?" he asked. "Yep! We need to find some dragons. Stoick is allowing us to try and change the villages mind on dragons, and to do that, we have to show them how its done bud!" Toothless warbled in agreement. "Ok hurry lets go! I wanna fly!" He said impatiently "Ok, ok, needy dragon" With that, we took off in the direction of the sanctuary.

--Le time skip brought to you cat Basil who keeps trying to lay on my computer while I'm typing. Send help ples-

We have been flying for hours and the sanctuary is finally in sight. "Ok bud, wanna let them know we are home?" He nodded and slowed down before letting out an ear piercing roar. I had covered my ears at the last second, almost forgetting how loud it is. Then, we heard the guards return the roar, letting us know we are safe to proceed into the nest.

"Shadow! Where have you been? You have been gone for a week!" Said a purple and blue Nadder, running up to us as we landed. That's Charm, she's like an over protective mom to everyone." Sorry Charm, we got held up at Berk." She glared at me before trotting off to Thor knows where.

"Shadow, I'm glad to see you are back unharmed." The Bewilderbeast said kindly. "Hello my King," I said bowing in front of him. "I am only back for a few hours, I have been given permission to change Berks mind on dragons. To do so, I was hoping to take a few dragons with me" He thought for a moment before responding "Very well, you may take who ever is willing back to Berk. But please, be careful my son." I bowed once more before running to Toothless. "Ok bud, lets go find some dragons."

In the end, we got a blue and yellow Nadder, a red Monstrous Nightmare, a green Zippleback, and a brown Gronkle to agree to help us. So we said our goodbyes to the king before heading back to Berk.

--yet another time skip brought to u by Basil again who is still trying to lay on my keyboard--

"Berk in view guys" I said. "Stay close to me, they might think we are trying to raid and I don't want anyone hurt." They all nodded and flew closer to Toothless and I.

We heard the horn get blown, signaling a raid and saw villagers getting bolas ready. Just as they got ready to shoot, I put Toothless' tail on automatic and stood up on his back,and waved my arms, showing that it was not a raid. Stoick saw us and told everyone to hold their fire.

"Ok gang, lets land in the plaza." We landed and were immediately surrounded by people who were very confused. "Give the boy some space! Welcome back Hiccup! I see you brought friends" Stoick said. "Thanks, and..yes I.. did. Ok, so my to get... five volunteers, that will.. learn to fly these.. dragons" I said smiling.

He nodded, "Astrid, Fishlegs, Ruff, Tuff, and Snotlout. These are the people you will be teaching." They stepped forward, but the big one, which im guessing is Fishlegs looked like he was about to wet himself at the sight of the dragons. "Lets get to the arena then." Astrid said smiling at me. I nodded "Lead the way"

At the arena

"First things.. first, Astrid, you will have the Nadder, her name is stormfly. Snotlout.. you will have the... Monstrous Nightmare... his name is Hookfang. Fishlegs, you get the Gronkle, her name is Meatlug.... And.. finally, Ruff and Tuff, you share the.. Zippleback, their names are Barf and Belch."

"Next... you will need to gain their trust. Stormfly, this is Astrid, she will be your human ok?" Stormfly warbled excitedly "Oh yes yes! I get the pretty human!" I laughed while the others looked at me confused. "Ok Astrid, grab a fish and hold it out for Stormfly" She grabbed a fish from the basket and held is out.

"Fish? Shadow you know I like chicken but fish will do.." She scowled at me. "Ya ya just take the fish" I said glaring back at her. "Hey Stormfly. Here you go, I have a um yummy fish for you hehe" Astrid said walking closer to the dragon cautiously.

Stormfly took it and ate it in one bite. "Ok I guess that fish was good, do you have more human?" She said walking closer to Astrid. "No you can get more later needy dragon" I said jokingly "Hi girl, I don't have anymore.. uh Hiccup what do I do?" She said looking at me. "Reach your hand.. out"

She did as I said and Stormfly pressed her snout to her hand. Astrid gasped "I did it! Hey girl!" She rubbed her dragons head. "Oh yes right there. Shadow you gave me a nice human, she would be a good mate for you" Stormfly said smirking at me. I blushed deeply which received weird looks from the others. "That's what Toothless said, don't side with him too." I glared at Toothless who just gave me an innocent gummy smile, and went back to sleep. "Wow I feel the love guys"

The other dragons laughed. "Oh come on not you guys too!" I said getting annoyed. "What are they saying to him, he seems annoyed" Tuff whispered. I sighed, "Lets continue shall we."

--time skip past everyone bonding with their dragons cause im lazy--

"Ok everyone, that's it for today. Tomorrow we will get you guys flying!" They all cheered excitedly. "Toothless..." No response. "Toothless" No response again. "Oh gods." I mumble in Norse. "Whats wrong?" Astrid said. I held up a hand, quieting her. I crept around Toothless who was still sleeping.

"WAKE UP" I roar in his ear. "OH GODS, WHAT HAPPENED WHATS WRONG" I fell to the ground laughing. "You were sleeping and wouldn't get up, that's what happened!" I said through laughs. He grumbled and wacked me with his tail. "Ya ya lets get to the cove, im tired. Ok gang, meet back here at 8 and we will start flying." We said out goodbyes and Toothless and I went to the cove to get a well earned rest.

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH 1202 words boiz! k byez


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