Dragon Soul

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OK SO APPARENTLY WATTAPAD DELETED THE LAST PART SO -.- I'm adding to this chapter so it makes sense uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh (Realizes this so long after I finished this book)

*3rd person*

   "My king! Someone is calling for you at Berk!" Charm said running into the nest, out of breath. "It must be Toothless, I believe it's time my king"

   "You are correct Charm, I sense his pain." The king said "Everyone, we are going to Berk" He roared before disappearing under the water. All the dragons herded out of the nest, following their king.

Back at Berk

  "Toothless please, we just want to know what's wrong with Hiccup" Astrid said, trying to get closer to the duo. Hiccup had just collapsed to the ground screaming when he arrived at the arena that morning. Toothless growled and shot a plasma blast at her feet. "Astrid! Are you ok?" Stoick said running to her aid. "I'm fine." She said plainly "I think its best to leave 'em, the dragon seems to know what he's doin' lass" Gobber said while walking out of the crowd.

   "Ya, ok I think you're ri-" Before she could finish, villagers started to scream and run away. "Wha- oh my Thor." She said looking over and seeing thousands of dragons heading their way. Astrid was frozen in fear as a dragon twice the size of the red death came out of the water. "Astrid! Come on we need to get out of here!" Fishlegs yelled to her. She looked to Toothless and saw him looking in the giant dragons direction calmly. "Wait! I don't think they are raiding us! I think they are coming to help Hiccup!" She yelled back.

   A black Stormcutter dove through the entrance of the arena and picked Hiccup up in its claws. It flew back out in the direction of the bewilderbeast and roared. Berk watched in horror as their lost heir was thrown into the water. "No! Hiccup! Toothless, go save him what are you doing?!" Astrid cried, running to the edge of the cliff where Toothless was watching the dragons

*Hiccups POV*

  All I could see was darkness, all I could feel was fire, all I could hear was screams. Then.... nothing.

   I opened my eyes and saw I was in water, I panicked but realized that I was.. breathing? Then, I saw the king under the water with me. "My king, what is happening to me?" "My son, you are not what you seem to be, you have the soul of a dragon. You are the prince of dragons, which means you will have abilities that human or even dragon can dream of." The king said before I was encased in ice. I felt my body heat rise dramatically and the ice exploded. "woah.. "

    "You will need to say your goodbyes to Berk, we will be going back to the nest for your training." I nod "Will you give me a lift back to the arena?" With that he lifts me from the water on his tusk and swims to the cliff, there I see Toothless and Astrid. Astrid looks horrified but Toothless just wags his tail, knowing what's going on.

   "Hiccup!" Astrid runs to me as I step onto the cliff and pulls me into a tight hug. "Astrid, I'm sorry, I have to go back to the nest. While I'm gone, I need you too continue to help the gang be better riders. I might be back but, just in case I'm not.." I push my lips onto hers. She's shocked for a second but returns the kiss. "Promise me you will be back.." She says quietly. "I promise, I'll be back one day" I say before going to say goodbye to the others.

   "Goodbye Berk! I'll be back one day" I say as Toothless and I take off into the sky, joining the rest of the dragons, before flying off.

   *Astrids POV*

   "Goodbye Berk! I'll be back one day." That's the last we heard from him as took off, joining the huge flock of dragons. Then, they all left, leaving me standing in awe on the cliff.

   "Hey Astrid, the gang and I are going to go out flying if you wanna come." Fishlegs said, joining me on the cliff. "Sure, I'll be there in just a minute." He nodded before walking off. I stayed on the cliff looking in the direction that the flew off. Sighing, I walk into the arena and joined the gang.

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