16 - A Sancutuary

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Adrian didn't sleep a wink that night. Of course, he did fall asleep at some point but he knew something was wrong. By the time he awoke the next morning, guilt had washed over him as his eyes lay on the empty blankets where Esme slept. She was gone. All that was left behind was the note. That damn note that Adrian had wrote out of pure anger. Adrian got up and approached the note with caution, trying desperately to convince himself deep down it was the note he wrote. He bent down and scanned it. It was. He froze, not sure what to do. Should he rip up the note? Should he go after Esme? That seemed like the most logical answer. Adrian looked around frantically for Bear, who was fast asleep in his bed. Adrian balled up his fists in frustration and marched towards the dog. "Why didn't you stop her you stupid mutt? Are you completely helpless? Why didn't you give me a warning? What the fuck is wrong with you? You just let her go! And I don't know where she is!" Adrian screamed at the poor dog. Tears streamed his face as it became a maroon colour. His nails dug deep into his palms making crescent moon indents in his soft palms. He backed away from the whimpering dog and dropped to his knees as he let out a small whine, followed by cries. His head fell into his now slightly bloody palms as he rolled onto his side. Esme was injured and 'insane'. She had no idea where she was going or what she was doing. She was only alive because of Adrian. Like the bridge incident and the flood. Bear ran to his side and nuzzled into him apologetically. "Why did you let her go?" Adrian wrapped his arms around the dog's neck and cried. "Come on, let's go find her." Adrian got to his feet and stood tall. He brushed himself off and grabbed his bag. He tossed in food and what was left of any water and set out. Bear chased him up and down the sand dunes like a rollercoaster, sometimes he was in front of him, other times he wasn't. Bear stuck with Adrian and that's all that mattered.

It had been hours since Adrian and bear left the pharmacy. He walked and had the occasional pit stop but he never stopped looking for the runaway.

Soon he came across a car. It was filled with water and snacks. Adrian didn't have to blink twice before he sprinted to it. "Esme?" He pounded on the window. No response. He ran around the back and opened the trunk. He grabbed hold of five bottles of water, freezing. He shoved them rapidly into his bag, keeping hold of one. He unscrewed the lid with ease and poured it over his head with his mouth ajar. Adrian tossed the empty bottle back inside the car. An idea came over his head as he sprinted back towards the front of the car ... but he blacked out as an object slammed over his head. Bear barked violently as aggressive growls also broke out.

Lights filled Adrian's vision. He rubbed them tiredly before a sharp throbbing feeling hit Adrian in the back of his head. He was lying in a chair. Tied up. Bear was caged in the corner of the room. He didn't have time to look around the room before the door slammed open. All he got was an office clashed with a dental room vibe. A tall man marched in. It was too dark for Adrian to see anything but the broadness of the man's shoulders blocking the light that flooded into the room.

"You're awake?" The voice asked rhetorically, resulting in Adrian seeing this as a moment to show his snide side.
"I guess you could say that. Unless I'm dreaming? Except, this isn't quite how I imagined Hell. Does that mean I'm in Heaven ... are you an angel?" Adrian smiled shockingly, his eyebrows furrowing together, failing to mask the anger he felt deep down. The man noticed this and chuckled along with Adrian's sarcasm. "You could say that. I'd really advise you to tone down your "mr bad guy" persona whilst you're here, wouldn't want anything happening to the girl?"

Adrian leapt forward in his seat, except he was held back by straps. He looked up at the ceiling with a glint of stupidity. Of course he was tied down. He looked down at how aboveboard the holds were and chuckled to himself. "Of course I'm tied up." He began to chuckle. "How stupid of me." A single tear of humour slithered down Adrian's stubbles cheeks in amusement. "I hope this didn't give you the wrong impression. I'm not usually this naïve, trust me." Adrian then glared at the man once he rubbed the tear onto his t-shirt. The man had been stood, his face written with displeasure. "Can I continue?" The man growled, his shoulders getting bigger as he folded his arms across his skinny chest. From what Adrian could see, the man wasn't even muscular, he was really tall and lean. Adrian gulped, not afraid but completely board out of his mind. He didn't want to be sat there listening to some mystery man ramble on while he sat there in the darkness' embrace. "Only if you're going to tell me where the girl is." Adrian twisted his head and clicked his neck, almost in a threatening manner. The man took a small step, almost as if he was backing up. "Or what." His voice came out mistakingly shaken. Adrian smirked at his doings and pulled on his holds, breaking them a little. He slowly began to pull harder each second that was wasted by the man not answering his question. Bear was barking now, and not like a dog but like a starving wolf.

The holds were beginning to break loose with Adrian's force, yet he continued to tug. The man in the doorway was now trying to compose himself. Just as the last hold was going to undo the man blurted, "I'll show you." And with that, a small smirk washed onto Adrian's face as he fell back in his chair so the man could unlock the chains. He did and they dropped helplessly to the floor. The man took note that if he was going to be trying to be holding in a buff person, he'd need to find stronger bonds. Adrian left the room, rubbing his sliced wrists. The man was trotting after him as Adrian's eye latched onto hundred's of people in a community. Women giggled and waved at him and Adrian just nodded and smiled at them, continuing to rub his wrists. Men smiled, almost as a kind gesture. Almost. "This is quite the place you have here." Adrian noted mainly to himself than the man. A hand fell on Adrian's shoulder and he turned. It was the guy. Now that Adrian could see him properly, he noticed how slim and pale the guy was. He looked ghastly and sick but his most noticeable feature was a large scar that painted right across his extremely slender nose.
"Can we talk first—?"
"I came for the girl, not a chat. Now, where is she?"
"My names Draven Lars."
"That's nice." Adrian stated bluntly with a hint of sarcasm, mainly to represent the little amount of care he gave. He didn't care who this man was, he just wanted his friend back.

Adrian hadn't thought of that before. Friend. Was Esme his friend or was she just some burden he mistakingly picked up? Either way, he cared about her and desperately needed to see she was okay, but how did Adrian know that Draven wasn't lying about Esme and her whereabouts? He didn't. He needed to trust him.

"In this community—"
"Listen Voldemort, I came here for one thing and one thing only; where the fuck is Esme—?"

He was cut off by the sound of teenagers behind him. Draven gestured behind the man's broad shoulders. He walked off into the crowd as Adrian's eyes landed on a blonde girl being picked on by a group of kids of the same age.

"You're crazy."

"You should be in a mental asylum."


The girls head dropped gradually and her messy blonde hair fell over her face. Her plaid shirt was ripped and torn, that was covered by a leather jacket, along with her pants and shoes. The teens looked up as Adrian began to approach, doing a double take. At first, they must have mistaken him as some kind of teenager or fuck boy but as soon as they noticed Adrian's tightened jaw and balled fists they scattered. The girl turned around and her puffy red eyes stood out on her pale face. Her freckles complimented the colour in a different shade. Her breath physically hitched in her throat as she let out a sigh of either relief or utter disappointment. "Esme." Adrian called out, chasing the girl as she walked off, arms wrapped around her figure.
"What do you want Adrian? Did you just come to tell me how sorry you are? Because guess what? I don't give a shit so could you please take your gorgeous face elsewhere?" She continued walking as Adrian ducked under washing lines and dodged around people. "Esme I really am sorry, please I really want to talk to you. I don't know what upset you so much and I really want you to explain to me."
Esme turned around and stuck up her middle finger whilst continuing to stride backwards. "Is this a good enough explanation?" She grinned before spinning around and continuing away from the man.

Adrian stopped in his place as people jumped at the unexpected halt. He had to follow her.

If Tomorrow Never ComesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon