7 - Flushed Away

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Esme squirmed around on the sand, groping the small rocks in her hands, shaking her head violently. "No—" the girl whispered, squinting her eyes and jerking her head side to side. "Stop." She whispered, slightly louder this time. Adrian sat up, staring at the girl who was squirming around and crying out. He took note of the water bottle being nowhere to be seen and quickly looked in his bag. His heartbeat slowed once his hand groped the water bottle. He then looked back at the girl as she then started kicking and screaming. Sand flew everywhere, especially in Adrian's face. The man looked around and picked up one of the few rocks that lay in a huddle at arms length away. He picked up a small rock and tossed it at Esme's back quite harshly. The girls eyes shot open and sat up rapidly. She looked around, heaving for her breath. Esme's eyes landed on a concerned Adrian and she breathed normally out of embarrassment and hid her face. "The hell?" Adrian muttered to himself, packing away his blanket. Esme didn't bother explaining herself to the selfish man, knowing, even if there was a slight chance he would ask, he wouldn't be asking because he'd care, he'd be asking to know why this girl was acting like a freak. Whispers filled the air.
"He's using you."
"He's going to kill you."
"Don't trust him."
"He doesn't care. Nobody does."
"Kill yourself."
Esme didn't flinch. She was used to it ... but only when she needed to take her medicine — the one thing Esme forgot to pick up. Her eyes expanded as Adrian heaved his bag onto his back and started marching off down the dune. Esme didn't bother mentioning anything as she took in the view of questionable sights that's Adrian definitely couldn't see. She slid down the dune after some time, catching up to Adrian. "Listen, Kid, I'm not gonna lie and say what happened then didn't creep me the hell out, you sounded like you were possessed or something. I'm gonna turn the blind eye for now, but if you wake up screaming like that again, I'm gonna have to check you in with a doc— ... never mind." Adrian suddenly checked his surroundings.
"No, I just ... I just need my pills." Esme explained, placing her hand to her sweating forehead. "Ugh." She moaned, squinting sharply and cradling her head. Adrian just watched the girl in pain. He didn't ask. He didn't care ... "you're on pills?" Adrian asked, completely ignoring the girl moments away from fainting. He just watched her. He had saved her once already and he wasn't prepared to lug around an unconscious teen. She rolled his eyes and clutched his bag extra harshly, knowing she was going to plead for water. "Can I—"
"No." He responded rapidly, walking forwards again. Esme started panting like she was having a panic attack. She practically clawed at her head, nearly pulling clumps of her hair out and was prepared to scream at the top of her lungs. "I can't ... breathe ..." the girl gasped for air like it was limited. Adrian now started to question whether or not to help her but he stood firmly on his decision. "Get a grip." He whispered to himself, the slight breeze whirling around his words back to the girl. She hated him but she was too busy suffocating to make a deal about it. "I really think we should try to get you checked out by someone." Adrian insisted, turning around. The girl shook her head. "No no. I'm fine, really. It was one nightmare." She nodded to herself. Adrian rose an eyebrow and turned back to walking, "if you say so." He shrugged. Esme took in a deep breath and sighed.

After a few hours, the pair had made their way into an area closer to the city, staring up at the high raised buildings, waiting for them to collapse. Esme still remained lagging behind the man, needing to admit that she was exhausted. She didn't say anything at first, just taking in the scenery and hoping that something was going to happen ... and something did. Water droplets splattered onto the sand around the duo. At first, Esme thought she was dreaming due to the water she was craving ... but then she started to feel it getting heavier and heavier and heavier until it got to the point where it hurt to stand out in it. Frantically, Adrian's head twisted and turned in so many different angles looking for shelter. None. Lightning forked the skies as dark clouds swirled the sky that was blue and clear only seconds before. A bang made Esme turn in curiosity. From behind the duo, Esme's eyes landed on a wave. She thought it was a really big cloud at first, or because, you know, she has schizophrenia. But then Adrian shouted. And then Esme knew, it was real. Esme turned around to try and find the man but he had already set off running towards the city. "Son of a bitch." She whispered about him, running after him. The waves were caving in, even though they had a good couple of miles, they were really fast. Adrian was running with even breaking a sweat, arms pounding at his sides, feet slamming in the ground. "Come on!" He finally shouted behind to the girl, turning his head slightly, causing him to trip. Esme was way far behind him so she couldn't help him up and it wasn't like he would do the same for her. The water was closing in now, the pair were running through the scorched streets of New York, passing parked cars and lamppost and shop windows. The water crashed against the building, smashing the windows and sending glass flying everywhere. "This can't be happening!" Esme shouted to nobody in particular, growing tired. She slouched as she tried to stop herself from toppling over. Running. Breathing. Crying. Then, out of nowhere, the wave crashed into Esme's back, taking her with it. She couldn't breathe. She couldn't scream. She could only drown. She steadied her mind, as hard as it was, and began trying to swim up. Random objects slammed into the girls side causing her to scream out, releasing the little oxygen she had managed to gather. And then a hand landed on her shoulder.

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