Chapter Nine - The Tyrannosaurus Rex

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He glanced at Alan and both men did in fact, then, start to laugh.



"Tim, be careful with those things," Adelaide said as the boy stretched out over the trunk cover. He wore a pair of huge 'night vision' binoculars over his head (he'd found them in the car, somewhere), and was peering out into the Rex paddock.

Lex lounged next to her, fanning herself with a blue cap to try and cool off slightly. The rain had ceased to a light downpour, their respite from the humidity well and truly over. Adelaide felt herself sweating, pulling her hair up into a messy bun after finding a hair tie in her jean pocket.

Humidity was not the only factor causing her overheated state. The primary cause was sitting in the other car, all six feet of tall, dark and handsome giving her all sorts of feelings.

Being the hot-blooded woman that she was, Adelaide had started to conjure up some rather inappropriate images in her mind. Many involved her straddling his waist whilst his hands ripped open her blouse, their mouths dancing together in heated kisses as the car windows steamed up from their exertions.

Or maybe Ian thrust her into the back seat, their bodies entwined tightly before they undid each other pants. Not bothering to take off any other clothes, they came together in a moment of frenzied passion that had her toes curling and Ian groaning her name into her ear...

"Do you hear that?" Tim, blessed innocent little Tim, interrupted her carnal thoughts. Adelaide took a few silent calming breaths, embarrassed that she was totally turned on in the most inappropriate of situations.

Tim was oblivious as grabbed hold of Lexi's hat to silence the noise, eyebrows furrowed as his gaze fell onto two plastic cups of water on the dashboard.


Adelaide watched in fascination as the water rippled with what sounded like the rumble of thunder, only this sound echoed from the ground upwards.


"Maybe it's the power trying to come back on," Gennaro whispered unsurely.


"It sounds like..." Adelaide couldn't even describe it, a feeling of dread spreading over every fibre of her being. " sounds like footsteps..."

"Wait...wait, where's the goat?!" Lexi suddenly cried out, her voice a little shrill. All four of them jumped as the mangled, sheered leg of the goat crash landed straight onto the glass roof.

"Jesus wept!" Adelaide exclaimed, before hearing a low, almost dog like growl sounding from behind the paddock fencing. A large dinosaurs head emerged from the tall trees within the enclosure, swallowing what was left of the goat whole.

"Oh Jesus, oh Jesus!" Donald's whole body was visibly shaking as he practically fell out of the car, skidding through the mud and vanishing out of site. Adelaide stared after him, her mouth ajar.

"He left us." Lexi whispered in horror.

The huge creature began to bite its way through the now useless electrified fencing, the metal creaking and wailing as it gave way. Adelaide couldn't take her eyes of the enormous creature.

"Timmy, is that...?"

"A T-rex? Yeah." The boy replied, all three of them watching in terror as it stepped out of the paddock between the two cars. It stood on its hind legs at least two stories high, with a long tail swishing out behind it. The creature's booming footsteps rattled the tiny jeeps, the rex pausing to give out the single most bellowing roar Adelaide had ever heard. A row of sharp, enormous, deadly teeth became prominent in her eyeline and they were matted with the scarlet blood of the goat.

Adelaide let out a string of low curses. She needed Dr Grant, he would know what to do in this situation!

"Lex, Lex what are you doing?" She asked as her younger cousin started fishing for something in the back. Without warning, she turned on a large flashlight and started shining it like beacon around the car. "Jesus! Turn it off, turn it-" Adelaide stopped speaking as the Rex's thundered towards them like a moth to a flame.

"Turn it off, turn the light off!!" Timmy yelled desperately. All three of them stared in horror as the rex's beady yellow eye appeared at the car window, it's pupil dilating as Lex caught it with the torchlight.

Tim reached over and shut the car door. The dinosaur let out a growl and starting nudging the vehicle with its snout insessantly, shaking the entire car.

Lex began screaming. Adelaide grabbed at the torch, trying to turn the damned thing off. Her younger cousin was in too much of a panic to think rationally, the beam of light shining upwards towards the roof.

Adelaide let go of the torch, pushing Tim and Lex beneath her arms as the Rex plunged it's nose straight through the glass. She let out a piercing scream as it split into pieces, one of the large shards slicing into her top thigh like a knife through butter. Blood squirted upwards like rain, showering over the glass and the Rex's face.

For a moment, the only thing between the three humans and the carnivorous dinosaur was a single piece of glass. The Rex seemed to realise it wouldn't reach them this way, so withdrew its head to devise a new tactic.

With a loud, ear splitting crunch, the jeep was turned upside down. The feeling similar to that of being placed into a blender, Adelaide felt her body hit the mud unforgivingly. She started to sink into the thick sludge as the car was being pushed down by the weight of the T-Rex.

The blinding pain in her leg would have to wait, as she scrambled through the muck. Adelaide gripped the frame of the jeep and used it as leverage to hall herself out of the vehicle and onto the road.

"AIDA!!!!" Lexi screamed, her tone enough to curdle the blood.

"Lex, take my hand!" She reached out her hand to free the girl, but the Rex had spotted her.

Adelaide screamed as it plummeted its open jaws towards the ground. She rolled over quickly, the Rex missing her by inches but still managing to catch the upper flesh of her arm with its teeth. She let out a loud shriek as the sharp canine ripped into her bicep, the animal giving an angry grunt as it tried to nip at her again.

This was how she was going to die.

"Hey!!!" Alan's voice sounded somewhere behind her. She looked up as Dr Grant stood over her with a red flare fizzling in his hand. He waved it around slowly, capturing the creature's attention, before lobbing it into the trees. The T-rex gave a roar and charged after it.

"Hey hey! Here you bastard!!!!" Ian had jumped from the car with his own flare, waving it around to keep the animal occupied. Adelaide watched from the floor in utter dismay as it came straight after him.

"IAN FREEZE!!! DROP THE FLARE!!!!" Alan roared.

"GET THE KIDS!" Was Ian's reply as he ran for it, disappearing into the trees with the Rex not far behind him.

"Aida, Aida listen to me, get back to the jeep," Alan told her calmly, taking hold of her uninjured arm and hauling her up.

"No, the kids, I can help-"

"You're severely injured! Go back to the jeep. Try and get the radio working, if the Rex comes back, stay still, her vision is based on movement, alright?" Dr Grant shook her a bit roughly. "Alright Aida?!"

"Ok, alright," Adelaide replied monotonously, limping over to the untouched jeep and heaving herself onto the back seats. Her wound were bleeding profusely over the car interior as she fished around in the trunk, prizing out the radio quickly.

It didn't take long before she heard Lex let out a horrific scream. Adelaide knew the rex had come back, her fingers shaking as she fiddled with buttons to find signal. The radio did nothing, only the sound of static blaring angrily back at her. Adelaide could see her vision beginning to swim, black dots becoming larger as she blinked – the world spinning horribly on its axis.

She fell unconscious to the sounds of Lex, Tim and Alan...screaming.

Adelaide (Ian Malcolm)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz