Chapter Seven - Beauty

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Chapter Seven – Beauty


Botswana, 1990

Her oscillation outside of the hospital room had caused many a doctor or nurse to cast strange looks her way. Adelaide had been debating the next move for over ten minutes, heart in her mouth as she remembered the horrendous accident that had occurred only four days ago.

Nick Van Owen was lucky to be alive. He'd just about managed to scrape his way out of death, unlike...well, the other guy.

She and Nick had always been good friends, despite their friendship being strained as of late. He had rather radical ideas about getting his point across to the rest of the world. Despite his nonchalant attitude, Nick really did care about animals and the environment. He wanted to make a difference and was desperate to stop poaching, with any means necessary. After the events that had unfolded, however, Adelaide wondered if he'd ever forgive himself.

Finally, with a deep breath, she pushed open the door. There sat Nick, his arm in a sling and a bandage wrapped around his wounded head. He had been propped up with around three pillows into a sitting position, currently in the process of yelling a few choice words at the TV set.

Trust Nick to be watching football whilst she agonised over the whole ordeal.

"Aida, what took you so long? I've been bored stiff," He announced, shifting his long legs slightly under the covers.

"Hey Nick, how are you feeling?" She asked, ignoring his question and sitting down on the blue plastic chair next to his bed.

"Bored! My Mom's been threatening to come over, the doc says I can't use this arm for at least three months and you should see me trying to dress myself,"

"You can't dress yourself anyway,"

"Ha ha, it'll be funny when you have to help me use the bathroom," He deadpanned, eyebrow twitching suggestively.

Adelaide rolled her eyes, playing with a loose thread coming away from his white sheet. "Sorry I haven't come sooner...I've been dealing with O'Leary and his lot. They are not happy with you, Nick, you're lucky they didn't chuck you in prison,"

"Please, I did them a favour. Those good for nothin' low lives will think twice before they go onto government owned land from now on,"

"You do remember that someone is dead, Nick?" Adelaide flared up. It was all well and good being a hero, but not at the cost of innocent lives.

"Collateral is part of the game, sister. There's always gonna be sacrifices made-"

"Luan was not collateral, Nick! He was our friend!"

"-for the greater good! Oh, come on Aida, Luan knew the risks of what we were doing, are doing."

"This extremist bullshit has to stop! You are crossing a line that I can't follow,"

Nick laughed haughtily, his green eyes merciless. "You need to stop caring so much about what that stuck up family of yours thinks. Out of all of us, you're the one with the most resources to do something about the poaching, but you just won't do it, will you?"

Adelaide bristled instantly. "Don't bring my family into this,"

"Have they taken you out of the will yet? Or do you still have enough money in your trust fund to get by with?"

"Nick! Stop being a wanker for two minutes and wake up, will you?" Adelaide scolded, well used to his defensive behaviour when he got angry. Nick was a great guy, but he couldn't half act like a stubborn teenager, using everything he knew about a person to hurt them as much as possible. "All of this has nothing to do with my family. I am just worried about you! You know, considering I am your friend and all,"

Adelaide (Ian Malcolm)Where stories live. Discover now