Chapter 18

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»»—2014, New Orleans, USA—««

I knocked on the door of the house after checking it was the right address once more. I couldn't deny I was nervous, even with Björn standing behind me, giving me silent courage.

"Stop knocking," he said, "I'm sure they heard you."

I glanced at him and tried to listen for any noise inside the house, there were incoming footsteps. He grinned proudly, knowing by looking at my face that he was right, again.

"I knocked, they answered," I said dryly, "It doesn't take a genius to predict that."

"And yet," he trailed off, only stopping because playfully hit his stomach.

The door opened and we turned to give the old woman our undivided attention.

"Yes?" she said. She was tiny but looked tougher than I did. Her white hair and wrinkles gave away her old age.

"Hi," I said, "I'm looking for Hayley Marshall."

Her eyes darted between us but her face remained stoic. "And?"

I looked at Björn confused and he shrugged, subtly gesturing towards the woman so I would try again.

"And we were wondering if she was in," I said as if it were obvious.

"She's not," she said and closed the door.

I winced when the door closed and looked at it for a second before bursting into laughter.

"That could have gone better," I told my brother.

"It certainly could have," he replied, grinning as well.

"What do we do now?" I said.

"Go?" Björn offered.

"I can't just leave," I argued, "She might know how to get them back!"

We were interrupted as a voice broke through the silence of the meadow.

"Guys!" Peter said as he ran towards us.

I walked down the porch steps.

"I told you to stay in the car," I told him, loud enough so he would hear even from the distance.

"There's someone coming!" he shouted back.

We looked towards the road and saw a black SUV slowing down and, from it, three guys got off. I knew who they were, I had seen two of them some decades back, and they look exactly the same as they did now. They were vampires, Marcel's.

"Peter, get behind us," I ordered as he arrived to the porch and I pushed him up the stairs. I gestured Björn to follow me and we walked to meet them midway.

"Fancy seeing you here, boys," I told them, and they smirked, "Did Marcel tell you to follow us?"

"Nah," one of them said, "He wouldn't want us here."

I tilted my head. "How so?"

"He doesn't want us hurting kids," another one replied.

"Guys, if we're kids, you must be fetuses," I said.

"We don't mean you," the first said.

Björn and I shared a glance and I looked back at Peter, who cowered behind the railings of the porch. I had no idea why they were looking for Peter, but I wasn't about to let them take him or hurt him.

"What do you want with the kid?" Björn asked.

"The only way that Marcel gets New Orleans forever," he explained, "Is for the Mikaelsons to disappear. All of them."

The Originals - Revenantحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن