Chapter 10

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»»-— 1702, Kingdom of Sicily—-««

"May I offer you a drink?" I enticingly said, gesturing to the last woman that was still breathing. I had to sit her down on the sofa, she was too weak to hold her own weight. I had drained maybe half of her blood, she looked pale. I tilted her head a little, to show Katerina a clean entry to the veins on the side of her neck that I had spared from my fangs.

"Maybe later," she said dismissively, "Can we talk?"

"Aren't we already?" I said smiling a little, she smirked in turn.

"I was travelling around America," she said, walking casually around the room, dodging bodies, "And I found someone I thought I would never see again."

I rose my brows, wondering why I should care.

"Elijah," she stated.

I rolled my eyes and dug into the servant's neck again, earning a whimper from her.

"I thought he would kill me," she continued.

I released my victim, who fell to the side holding her bitten neck and crying softly. "He should have," I said, "The mere thought of you alive brings great pains to all of them."

"But not to you?"

"I have my moments," I stated, "What do you want, Katerina? I'm busy."

"Aren't you going to ask why he didn't kill me?" she teased.

I licked my lips from the red on them. "Elijah, despite all the hate, still holds some love for you," I replied, gesturing dramatically, "Or, at least, to the girl you used to be."

She seemed slightly taken aback by my answer, but just as fast as the surprise came to her, it went away. She shook her head.

"That's not it," she said.

"I don't care," I said. This conversation was starting to require more words than I wanted to waste.

"He told me he wouldn't kill me for your sake," she said.

I rested on the sofa and watched her move slowly, as if trying my patience, as if checking whether I would attack.

"I don't know what he was talking about," I shrugged.

"He said you turned off your humanity."

I smirked. "So I have," I said.

"He told me he wouldn't kill me if I helped you turn it on again," she explained.

My smile fell instantly. In a flash I was in front of her, pinning her to the wall with one hand on her neck.

"That's a shame," I said tilting my head, "We could have fun together." I placed a loose strand of her curly hair behind her ear and I leaned in to whisper. "I like you, Katerina. You know how to have fun, but don't you dare think I won't snap your pretty little neck if you ever try to cross me."

I let go of my grip around Katerina's throat and she fell to the ground. She coughed trying to breathe while I started to walk away. How was Elijah so stupid as to think that Katerina Petrova would have the key to getting my humanity back. I didn't want my humanity, and I didn't want the emotions that came with it.

"He told me to do it," she managed to say with a hoarse voice, "So I thought very hard about how to do it."

I huffed, stopped and turned around facing her. "Don't strain yourself in my behalf," I snapped.

She smirked. "I found something," Katerina said smugly. That smile of hers hid something, and I didn't like it.

I rolled my eyes. This conversation was not worth my time, I had places to be, people to kill. I should go back to Bianca Sciasa's party and find Francesco. I would have to compel him not to make a rumpus when he came home to his dead household. I started to walk away and finished the conversation with a calm "Not interested."

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