Chapter 7

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»»-— 1702, Cadiz, Spain —-««

"Just a little more, love, don't give up now," I said, even though I was pretty sure he didn't understand me.

The blood kept dripping into the bucket but I could see just how close he was to fainting. Still, he had been the only one to last that long, almost a whole bucket. That was around five litres, this man was resilient. When the blood reached the top of the bucket, the man faded away and dropped unconscious.

"Well, good job, Don Ponce," I chuckled amused, clapping and stepping closer to his limp body, "You, sir, are the winner!"

I tapped his body lightly with my foot, but he didn't move.

"Don Ponce?" I asked, tilting my head. He was definitely dead. "You died on me?" I asked his carcass, "How rude!" I scowled. "You, sir, are no fun. I take it back, you don't win."

I picked up a cup from a nearby table on submerged it on the bucket, filling it with blood and bringing it to my lips.

I took a sip and sighed content. "At least your death was delicious."

The music in the cantine had been replaced by whimpers that had faded with each passing hour, just as we killed each of the customers. Now, with Mister Ponce dead at my feet, and Kol feeding on the last of the serving girls, there was no sound but those of the night.

We were just far away enough from the city to not be poisoned by its hectic current soundtrack, but the smell of the fire did reach us. The imminent danger only made our little game all the more exciting!

Just then, I heard the quick sounds of horses approaching, two of them, and their riders sounded panicked. I took a guess as to who they would be.

"Kol, we have company," I shouted so he would hear me from the other room, and took a seat. I dropped the body that was resting on the table to the floor and propped my feet up on the blood-stained table, resting comfortably.

I drank from the cup and cleaned my face with the back of my free hand, and I waited for the brothers to come in.

"Kol!" Niklaus yelled as he unsaddled his horse. Even if I couldn't yet see him, I knew he would be angry when he saw the scene. I smiled in anticipation.

Bodies drained of blood covered the floor, the tables still held the food from the feast we had ordered before slaughtering the whole of the cantine, and stains now adorned the walls like masterpieces. I had to admit, we hadn't been subtle about it, but it had been so fun to toy around with each of those now dead people.

As they started to encounter the empty vessels of the new neighbours of Hel, I heard Elijah sigh heavily.

"All of my efforts to keep this family concealed, yet debauchery like this has led Father directly to us," he said aggravated.

"Mikael is here?" I asked uninterested, looking at my cup, "Invite him, let's all have a drink." I rose my cup greeting them in.

Niklaus set his jaw and Elijah breathed deeply.

"Beyla, what are you doing?" Nik demanded.

I gestured around. "We are having a party," I explained, "Sit down, let's drink. My friends don't have much stamina left, unfortunately."

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