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»»——— Revenant ———««

We are not to blame for the monsters we became.

We were but mere victims.

Niklaus said Ester, his mother, was the one to blame but, how could I do that? She was the reason I was still alive.

I was alive because I died. I died because Nik killed me. Niklaus killed me to save me. And he could only do so because he was powerful enough. Thanks to Ester. So, answer me, how could I blame her? I owed her my life, I wished for this to happen to me.

He, on the other hand, never asked for any of it. He didn't ask to be turned into a vampire, and the moment they did, his life was over. When he killed another human being —driven by his impulsive crave for blood— and triggered his wolf curse, we all learned the truth:

The Bastard, his new title.

He wasn't Mikael's son. His mother had lied to him, bringing him up as one of them when he wasn't. He was meant to run free through the woods on the full moon, surrounded by a pack. He was a wolf.

But to cover her shame, she had let the monster that was Mikael raise him, abuse him. He broke Niklaus, making him feel worthless when, in fact, he was nothing but special. And from the moment the truth came out, Mikael hunted him, trying to erase from the Earth his wife's biggest mistake.

The Hunter, his new role.

Mikael should be grateful to Nik, though. When the Mikaelsons eloped from The Old World after the loss of young Freya —their firstborn—, they were a broken family. Mikael was dismissive of his wife and neglected the children that still remained: Finn and little Elijah. Ester had an affair out of grief and Nik was brought to the world. Mikael thought him his and thanks to that he was happy once again. As happy as Mikael could ever be. And their family grew and grew thanks to that little mistake. After him came Kol, Rebekah, and lovely Henrik.

Thanks to the little wolf who turned into the big, bad hybrid.

And me? What did I become? The answer: a problem. A monster.

For a long time, I was content ignoring the horrendous sins I had committed in order to escape from my past. The moment I turned into a vampire, I realized maybe I couldn't blame Ester but I could damn well blame the coven. My coven. They had tried to kill me to complete a stupid spell. But after I killed them all I didn't have anyone else to blame, and I just had to face the possibility that maybe I was at fault. After all, I had dragged Henrik into my mess. He was dead because of me.

The guilt, my new trait.

For hundreds of years, we ran avoiding Mikael's wrath. We ran together, as the promise we made, always and forever.

We'd ran until we felt safe, always knowing that if Mikael ever got close, we'd have to disappear again. We became experts of deceit. We grew, learned, evolved.

One of the times we felt safe we learnt that Niklaus' curse —The Hybrid Curse—, the one that suppressed his werewolf nature and kept him from being able to access any of the powers that came with being a hybrid, could be broken. There was a loophole, as all magical spells require one, and we only needed a couple of ingredients to perform the ritual. Ingredients that, we learned, were extremely difficult to locate.

The ritual involved the Moonstone, an enchanted gemstone that bounded the Hybrid Curse and through which the power of a full moon had to be channelled. Then a werewolf and a vampire, representing both sides of Nik's heritage, had to be sacrificed. The ritual ended after drinking the blood of a human doppelgänger in her birthplace, to the point of death.

This was the reincarnation of Tatia, the girl whose blood Ester had used for the Vampire ritual that turned her children into the creatures we were now, and who only appeared each couple hundreds of years. Tatia was, unfortunately, the first girl that both, Elijah and Klaus, had loved. So the doppelgänger was always a reminder of a time of aggro between the brothers.

We came across the Moonstone pretty easily. We could always turn humans into vampires, and werewolves were not that hard to get back then. Niklaus and Elijah got the habit of having an allied coven of witches willing to perform the ritual. The only thing that we missed was the doppelgänger.

The first time we came close to breaking the curse was in 1492, but something happened. I happened; because I just kept repeating my mistakes, ruining everything I touched: I ruined everything in 1492, in 1702, and in 1919. I always failed him, betrayed him. But, for some reason, he'd always bring me back, until he didn't. That last time was too much for him.

I think I never moved on from what happened to Henrik, I never worked through it. When I became a vampire everything heightened. Any little flaw we had when humans had now the power of messing us up as vampires. For me, the guilt of being responsible for his death became unbearable. Maybe that was why I always did it. Whenever I came close to happiness I'd always ran. I messed things up.

But everything will be alright, yes, because I'm going to mend what was once broken. I'm going to fix everything, one piece at a time. And then I'll finally believe that I am not to blame for the monster I've become.

»»———— - - - ————««

This is the prologue of the second part of Beyla's journey. I hope you like it and I expect you got all the puns!

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