Chapter 2

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»»— 1492, Yorkshire, England —««

I woke up groaning in a comfortable bed, my neck ached as it finished healing. What had happened? Gods, I was hungry! I couldn't remember right away, but the image of Nik coming for me at the Maclean castle came to mind. Had Niklaus broken my neck? A sudden wave of anger filled my whole being. I jumped out of the bed. I was undressed, wearing only a thin white sleeping gown that wasn't very concealing. Who the Hel had undressed me?

Oh, who cared? My first priority was killing Niklaus anyways, so I completely ignored my appearance. I hated how, whenever he found me, he would drag me back home. For what? Couldn't he see they were better off without me? I didn't deserve to share their happiness.

I bursted out of the room and scanned the floor with my eyes. This place was incredibly big. It was the Mikaelson mansion, no doubt, which meant we were in Yorkshire.

Wait a minute, I thought. Even if this wasn't that far from where I was hiding, it was still too long a way for having been knocked out just once. That meant Niklaus must have broken my neck at least a dozen times to get me here without me fighting back.

I chuckled. "You are so dead," I whispered.

I used my hearing to find him faster and heard him talking on the first floor. I trotted down the stairs and walked straight where his voice had come from, the dining room. But then I heard something amazing.

I stopped before the door. I had heard him laugh. Not too loud, but it was more than his usual smirks. He was happy for some reason. Was I really going to burst into the room in a rage fit and try to murder him? It had been too long since the last time I saw him happy, he had lately been frustrated between trying to break his curse and fleeing from his murderous father. Maybe killing him was overreacting? I could settle with maiming or stabbing him with a fork. I heard Elijah making another comment I couldn't really pick up and Nik laughed again. If he was really happy, did I really want to ruin that? Maybe screaming at him for a while would suffice. My resolve faded as fast as it had come.

I heard a gasp behind me and I looked over my shoulder. A servant —a voluptuous woman dressed in a sad blue dress and a white apron— had dropped some sheets she was carrying upon seeing me. My true nature surfaced for some seconds and the thought of jumping to her neck and draining all her blood became such an appealing possibility.

She was picking the sheets up again while darting her eyes at me nervously. I didn't know if she was scared because she had previously seen me —well— dead and now seeing me up and about was a shock, or because of the few clothes I was wearing.

Seeing me dead. If she had seen me dead it had been only because I had been dead. Because Nik had broken my bloody neck!

At least a dozen times, I remembered. He must have broken my neck at least a dozen times.

I narrowed my eyes and turned back to the huge brown door. Gathering all my emotions and focusing on anger just like a tyro vampire would, I hid my vampiric nature and opened the door abruptly.

"Niklaus!" I called menacingly. The two brothers turned their heads towards me, surprised for just a second.

At the furthest extreme of the huge, wooden table Niklaus was grinning at me cockily. I couldn't see who was at the opposite extreme as the chair wasn't facing me but I presumed it was Rebekah. One of the chairs of the middle was empty, awaiting me and, in front of it, there sat Elijah, who looked at me with both sympathetic and alarmed emotions intertwined in his face.

They were clearly having a private dinner, a great feast had been served but, I noticed, there was no blood.

"Oh, good. You're finally awake," Niklaus greeted me raising his cup of wine and smiling, looking at me straight in the eyes. It only made me angrier.

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