Chapter 15

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»»—1919, New Orleans, USA—««

We were finally in front of the theatre. There was smoke and screams. We were too late. Mikael was already here.

"I don't think this is what she had in mind," Björn said.

"She couldn't predict what that psychopath would do."

Something flashed close to us and stopped right in front. Niklaus and Rebekah, and they were alright! He looked positively freaked and Rebekah was a mess. They were both looking around everywhere, wary of Mikael, but where Nik was simply scared and angry I could tell she was feeling guilty, regretful and ashamed.


"Beyla! Mikael is here."

"I know."

"Oh Beyla, did he hurt you?" Rebekah said, grabbing me by the arms, trying to make sure I was okay. "I'm so sorry."

"Shut up," I whispered to her vehemently.

"It's all my fault," she continued recklessly.

"Rebekah..." I warned her. "I spoke to the witch," I whispered. I knew. And I wanted her to know that I knew. She shut up but I could tell it was eating her alive. She could explode at any moment.

I looked around, not seeing anyone else. "Where's Elijah? Marcel?"

"Elijah went to stall Mikael," Nik said, pacing around, thinking hard about something.

"Well, what are you waiting for. Let's go!" I said. We had to leave New Orleans far away. Hopefully Elijah would follow. We could come back for Freya in 94 years, when she would wake up. But we had to make it till then. And the first step was getting the hell out of there.

"Marcel is in the theatre," Rebekah continued, "We can't leave him there."

"He's dead, sister," he told us, "And so is whoever told Mikael we were here."

"He's not," Rebekah yelled at him. She turned to me and insisted on it, "He's really not."

"We have to go," I said, "It's bad enough that Elijah is fighting Mikael on his own. We can't be here when they're done."

"The witch..." Rebekah whispered, trapped in her own little thoughts. Maybe she was thinking about why Genevieve hadn't warned her. If only she knew she had tried. It had all been terrible planning on their part. You can't summon such an evil and stuck around to see if it works out. You leave. Reckless, reckless Rebekah.

"A witch, yes," Nik agreed with her on her epiphany, "A witch must have called him. A dead witch now. I'm going to find her."

He only had to find Genevieve, who wasn't exactly hiding, and she would tell her all about Rebekah, as freely as she had told me. Nik would kill them both, and then he would make sure that theatre had buried Marcel. And then, Mikael would kill him because he didn't take his chance of running away.

"Oh for all that is holy, Niklaus, forget about the witch. Take your sister and leave!" I yelled at him.

"I need to kill that witch, Beyla!" He yelled back, "Mikael has taken all from me!"

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