Chapter 6

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»»-—1492, Yorkshire, England—-««

I woke with a gasp and my hand went to my chest through where, hours before, Niklaus had shoved a wooden stake, killing me. I looked around with a bewildered face and not being able to hold my tears.

I didn't understand anything. How was I alive? Suddenly I was engulfed by strong arms that held me close. Through my clouded eyes, I couldn't see who it was but the sweet scent of lavender gave her away. Rebekah was holding me like there was no tomorrow.

"You're alive, you're alright," she kept saying.

I swallowed, not being able to believe her. I had died, I remembered that distinctively. I could still feel the stake in me, like a phantom reminder of what had happened. Niklaus had killed me.

I couldn't think straight, I was scared out of my wits. I blinked away the tears while I reached to grab Rebekah, to hold myself steady, to keep me from shaking as I was. I searched the room for the enraged Original but couldn't find him, I only saw Elijah.

"Where is he?" The question came out shakily.

"Out," Elijah informed me. He uncrossed his arms and took some steps to me. "Why would you do that, Beyla?" he asked, evenly angry with worry and frustration.

"I- I-"

"I had a way to save her," he said raising his voice to me. He was in pain, I could tell, for losing Katerina. Maybe even for almost losing me. But it wasn't like Elijah to lose his temper so. "If only you had told me your plans!"

"There's no point in yelling," Rebekah defended me, looking at Elijah over her shoulder, "We have to talk about what to do."

What to do? About what?

"Niklaus," I whispered, "He killed me."

"It was an accident," Elijah said, trying to calm me down, "He was angry."

"He killed me, Elijah!" I yelled, tears escaping my eyes and voice breaking, while Rebekah held me back slightly, "That was not an accident!"

Elijah rose his hands to calm me and sat down on my bed, on the opposite side of his sister. "He was angry," he repeated, "You trumped the perfect opportunity to finally break his curse."

I sniffed a couple of times. "I had to. I-" I whispered, "I had the same fate as her once. I couldn't just watch."

He frowned, understanding, I hoped.

"I see," he said, "We put you in an uncomfortable position," he sighed and looked away. "Unfortunate planning," he whispered to himself.

"What is Nik going to do?" I asked.

He shook his head, which worried me even more and I broke down in tears. Nik was never going to forgive me. What had I done?

"He won't do anything to you," Rebekah said, cupping my face with her hands and making me look at her in the eyes, "We won't let him."

She looked at Elijah with an earnest stare, which he held for a second before nodding.

"He already killed me," I argued, "You know he will punish me further."

"We won't let him. Beyla, you are family and, as family, we will protect you always. Even from Niklaus. We won't let him hurt you," he repeated and he fell silent. He turned to me, to face me fully, "How are you alive?"

I shook my head ever the lightest. I couldn't comprehend it either. I thought hard on it and then something came to me. A memory of a conversation that felt strangely recent. I looked down to my chest and grabbed the necklace that still hung from my neck.

"Ayanna," I said.

"The which?" Rebekah asked, "Mother's friend?"

"Yes," I said, "She gave me this. She said no one would hurt me if I wore it, that it would protect me," I trailed off, thinking, "I thought she only meant from magic."

"I believe its powers reach further than this life, Beyla," Elijah said, examining the pendant. He then looked straight to me. "Never take it off," he ordered.

I nodded eagerly. If the pendant was the only reason I was still alive there was no way I was ever going to give it up.

"I'm so glad you're alive," Rebekah said, hugging me again.

"Me too," I answered honestly.

"How was the other side?" Rebekah dared to ask.

I tried to remember but I couldn't visualize it. I just felt one thing only.

"Cold," I said.

»»———— - - - ————««

Oh, wow. The pendant. And Nik. Geezz...

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