Too much Weight

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I was suddenly awakened by the chopper shaking, stirring both Will and I awake. We both looked out the window as Benny and Pope got up.

"How you feel."

"Hurts like a bitch."

"I'm sorry if I had told you we wouldn't be here and you wouldn't be hurt."

"Look I'm past it, right now I'm just focused on getting you home and safe."

"Think it's the weight?" I asked

"Could be." I heard beeping and pushed Will up.

"We gotta dump some of this, we never should have brought it all, it's being greedy." I sad getting up. I turned to help Will up as Benny came up to us. I could hear Tom and Fish arguing.

"We really 50 million?" Tom said

"Wanna make it home?" Fish responded as Pope came to the back with us.

"We gotta drop it." I said looking at him. He nodded as Will grabbed the lever opening the hatch as we all grabbed a couple of bags shoving them out of the plane before Will closed the doors again.

"All right, let me check it." He yelled standing up and going upfront.

I sat down between Benny and Will all three of us holding on. I was pretty fucking sure we were going to crash and I was so scared. I didn't wanna die, I didn't want to lose Will and I didn't want our baby to get hurt. All of a sudden the alarms beeped more rapidly and I screamed gripping Will as we feel down who knows how many feet. Will trying to keep both of us seated.

"What the fuck are you doing Catfish? She's fucking pregnant!" He yelled out pissed off looking upfront. I could hear the engine sputtering as it fought to keep working.

"One of the gearboxes is blown." He replied in a strained voice as he tried to keep us afloat and not spinning.

"What?" Pope asked.

"I don't want to go into a spin. I'm losing altitude." I looked at Will scared as Pope looked back at us. "We need to land. We need to land now."

"Prepare for a hard landing." Redfly yelled back. I felt Will grab me in his arms. Trying to protect me as he tried to hold on to something and cover my body. I looked up at Benny as Fish started yelling.

"Hit the release on the wall, lose the money or we all die." Benny looked at Will and me before he hit the button causing the money held under the chopper to fall. Will lifted me up and bent down opening the latch. The money was still there.

"It didn't work!" He yelled

"There should be a manual override on the cargo hook." He responded

"Move AJ." I moved to let Benny though as he jumped down.

I smirked surprised he called me my old name. My maiden name is Johnson so I was always either AJ or Alex to the guys, except Will. It was always some little name, babe, doll, gorgeous, darlin. Hardly ever anything else and he never said my real name unless he was pissed save for our wedding. As he kicked the latch the chopper lurched tossing us all, in turn, Ben slipped as Will lost his grip and feel back. I dodged forward bending and gripping Benny. Will and Pope immediately getting back up to help me get Benny in before we fucking crashed.

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