Officially dating

Start from the beginning

(Emily dress)

(Emily dress)

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(Kate dress)

We both went to mansion. I ranged the door bell. It was open by my handsome boyfriend. He grinned widely seeing me. Give me quick peck on lips. My eyes got wide as he kissed me ok pecked me in front of Kate. My face turned red as Kate silently giggled.

"Don't look at me like that. I missed you." I rolled my eyes at him.

"You have seen me yesterday,eric!"

"well! That was literally 20 hours." God he will be death of me.

"Now, come in before granny broke my head."

We three get in as always the ladies and will attacked me with their hugs. Ron introduced Kate as his girlfriend and my best friend. All seemed to be like Kate it's a good thing. When I was talking with rose. She said something which got my attention.

"You know what Eric is going to introduce his girlfriend to us!!!"
Oh no!!! I chocked on the water which I was drinking will rubbed my back. I see Eric smirking at me as he listened our conversation.

He is really idiot and bustard. He didn't said that he is going to introduce me as his girlfriend. I give a death glare but he just give me his one of the best smirks. I can see Ron and Kate seeing us amused from corner of my eyes. After some time Diana asked Eric "Eric! Where is your girlfriend? It's already late!!"

Charles said "yeah! I want to see the girl who flattered my son who was always seem to be in her taughts about her." I raised my eyebrow at Eric as my gaze passing through his face a light pink appeared on his face. Oh! God he is blushing!!!!! I giggled at him.

Eric immediately started defending himself, "NO, I'm not. I was just thinking about business."

"yeah! With the stupid grin on your face." Ron comment on him. "Now, we want to meet the girl who get the great Eric Williamson in head over heels for her."

"She is here!!" Eric said seeing me and got up walking towards me. I made a grumpy face and glaring at my handsome boyfriend.

Finally he came before pulled me up and said with smug face "Meet girlfriend,EMILY WASTON!!" I give all of them nervous smile and my boyfriend a death glare. What a incredible way to introduce!!!! 🙄🙄

All gussed over us and started asking questions after bit they all clamed. " I'm very happy that You both are." she hugged both eric and me."yep, I don't want that high class sluts to be your girlfriend " rose agreed with her mother. Eric got warnings from everyone ,Literally all took my side.Eric comforteders that he will look after me. we all moved to dining hall to dinner with me and my boyfriend behind all of them.

I walked slowly on purposely walked slowly so I can talk to my idiot. I turned to him with raised eye for special effect to show my angry on him but in true I was just little annoyed of him and what I got in return in I got was small kiss on my lips "You are looking cute!!!"

Here I was annoyed of this fellow boyfriend but he was finding me cute.oh!god please help me with this guy!!! I know what to do!!!

"so, Eric will you do one thing for me??" I asked sweetly as possible.

Eric looked at me weirdly because I usually don't ask anything from him so he maybe thinking it will get him some kind of trouble but he sighs he have to do whatever his girlfriend said that to first thing in two months of dating...

"Anything for you love." he said kissing my nose. I smiled in victory.

" I was thinking of introducing you to my dad when we go to Los Angeles and one more condition..."

" I'm OK with meeting your dad and what was the condition?"

" After introducing you to my dad if he didn't like or agree our relationship I'm gonna break up with you." his expression was worth to laugh. I'm sure my dad will love him and approve our relationship because whenever we talk about Eric he seemed to somewhat praise him. But I want to take revenge from Eric for what he had done to me. I can see Eric getting really nervous I will tell him about my dad tomorrow let's enjoy the view.

Later he didn't say anything about it. Rest of the dinner went uneventful we all talked about what time the flight and about trip. Kate also coming with us. But I don't know this trip is going to be make my life upside down.....


So, Do you like it???

Do you think it is correct what Emily did??

Who are excited about trip???

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Until then,

Hanu 💛💛

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