The minions, for obvious reasons, weren't as pretty. One had dyed red hair and the other had dark brown hair, tying it up into a pony tail like Adriana Grande.

I raised both my eyebrows since I wasn't gifted enough to have the ability to control both my eyebrows independently, and walked off. Not really wanting to start a rival war. Honey, I won’t be competing with you for your crown.

Thankfully I was allowed to wear my black sneakers instead of heels, otherwise I would have been sticking holes into the grass like Queen B over there.

Reaching to the principal’s office, I barged in. Victoria waits for no one.

“Welcome to the prestigious Skyland High School.” I had to give her a 10 for the most forced enthusiastic voice ever.

The school was indeed the most prestigious; those who do not have the combination of looks, riches and brains would immediately be kicked out. But of course, they did offer scholarships, in hope to get rid of the nasty rumors circulating around the school. And of course, the richest were an exception. They had the power to get away with anything and what fun would school be if they didn’t abuse it.

“I’m thirsty.” I tilted my head, putting my wet sneaker onto the table.

“Feet off, please.” She forced smiled. I rolled my eyes, and sat like a boy while wearing a skirt.

“I’ll get you your water,” She coughed as she tried to look away from my seating position. I smirked, waving her off.

As soon as she left, I calculated I had about 15 seconds minimum, judging from my first impression, I had a feeling she would want to take her time. I could even get one minute out of it. Not wanting to waste anymore time, I leaped from my chair and into the comfortable leather chair.

I hacked into the computer, plugged my usb and downloaded every student’s file. Even though they use both physical and virtual documents, the virtual ones were always the easiest and more updated. 10 seconds had past and I glanced at the security system for the tests.

They had more fire walls put up for tests answers than the student’s file. 5 seconds.

I left my mark and logged off, pulling my usb, I went back to my seat. Calming myself down.

I waited for about 20 seconds before she came back.

“Here you go,” I grabbed the paper cup with my empty hand and smiled.

“Thanks,” I said, politely.

“Here is your timetable, diary and a map.” She handed to me quickly, I felt the warmth of the printed paper, smiled back again and walked off.

I went to my locker, putting in the pin code. I laughed at how high tech this place was, and yet they didn’t even put up any security walls so anyone could have easily accessed the student files if they knew what they were doing.

Compared to my dull grey locker and a cheap lock in my old high school, this place was seemly bright. The bright blue lockers matched the angel white walls. Hats off to whoever designed this place.

“Victoria Martin,” On my right, a low voice was heard. I turned to see the aloe vera guy.


Remembering he called me Victoria, I had hoped he didn’t remember the name on my badge, Sage.

“What a surprise.” His voice was different, nothing like the sweet but cocky voice back at the café. His voice sounded like he had some history with Victoria. A lot of juicy history. 

I mentally cursed John for not teaching me about Victoria’s so called 'friends.' I spent all week perfecting her habits and memorizing people she had been in contact with in front of the media. I knew nothing about her past.

“Hello,” I grinned. Hoping I could pull this off.

“Do you remember me?” He asked with a tone of hope.

“Nope,” emphasizing the ‘p’. So this guy was a childhood friend.

“Oh, well I’m Mason Williams.” He took out his hand, waiting for me to shake it.

“Son of Williams and Greysons?” I asked after shaking his sweaty palms. Part of Sage sieved through.  Of course, Victoria should know who he was.

“The very one,” His looming voice made me feel insecure like he knew who I really was. His thumb caressed over my burnt spot, whatever he was thinking, he certainly wasn’t going to say it. “I’ll see you around.” He smirked and walked off, leaving my beating heart. 

A drop of sweat stained my collared shirt. This was going to be harder than I thought.

During my first period, English, I used my surface to view the students’ profile. In normal circumstances I would have gone home and used my stolen computer which I built from scratch but I was desperate. I needed to know who Mason Williams was.

His profile picture in the file did not do any justice to the real deal. But one thing that struck me was they eyes, his greenish grey eyes. I was a sucker for eyes. All I had was my dull brown eyes.

His profile didn’t say much, except for that he was a student in RAT. Something that wasn’t very surprising.

 He had a set of bad grades but last year, he really put himself together. Then why was he still a member?

Whatever the reason was, it certainly wasn’t recorded down.

I flicked through the other files, trying to find other members. They all had similar profiles. Just a set of bad grades, some still do. Nothing personal. No reason why they were put into RATs.

What was this school hiding?

By the time lunch came round and I was starving, my mouth watering at the buffet. Sushi, cakes, pasta, it was like something you saw at a 5 star restaurant.

“Excuse me, Victoria?” His rugged uniform and sticky taped glasses was certainly different. “The principal wants to see you.” With that, he walked off. Not even bothering to get lunch.

I pulled myself from following him, he wasn’t part of RATs. Not my problem. I stared hungrily at the food, it will have to wait. I’ll miss you babies.

“It has come to an understanding that you tried to access the answers for the tests.” She pulled off her reading glasses and stared at me.

I smiled, but inside I was laughing at how long it took them. It was an easy mark. Maybe the teachers here weren’t very computer literate.

“Well, what can I say?” Seriously, what can I say? I want to be in RATs.

“Due to the fact that this is your first time, we would let you off the hook but if this happens again, you will be joining a program called RATs.” She quickly dismissed me after saying that.

Step one was already falling into pieces.

I couldn’t use the same trick as before; she would suspect I wanted to be in RATs.I needed a new plan.

 But what was devious enough to leave a trace but not let any of the students find out it was me?

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