Chapter 39

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"How's he doing?" I asked softly, gazing at Cody's sleeping form. His mouth relaxed in an 'o' and his arm was flung across the pillows. Obi-Wan looked up and pursed his lips, staring at the clock on the wall. It had been only twenty minutes since we had fled from the Death Star.

"The lightning not only burned his physical form but his mind as well. Only time will tell. How's your arm?" I shrugged, the white bandage poking out from under my short sleeved tunic.

"It's alright. Thank you," I responded, avoiding his gaze.

"How is Anakin?"

"He's all right I guess. He's in pain and the Force is raging inside him. He doesn't who he is." I rubbed the bridge of my nose. "I can't even be in the cockpit with him right now, as my Force blocking isn't keeping his torment out of my head. Another howl tore through the Force and I jumped.

"Like father, like daughter." My gaze snapped to Obi-Wan as he rolled a knot out of his neck.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means, he is able to slip through your mental block because of your shared blood, as well as the fact that his torment is stirring your unease. You don't know who you are either."

"I know exactly who I am," I spat, turning on my heel.

"You keep telling yourself that!" he called after me as I stalked to my personal quarters. A hastily thrown up curtain separated my bed from the rest of the bunks, providing the illusion of privacy. I stooped and gathered a bundle in my arms before I straightened and perched on the edge of my bed. I gently removed two lightsabers from the fabric; one gleaming in the artificial light and the other one's shine dulled from years of use.

I set the newer one on my pillow and stared at the older one, images dancing across my vision. I watched as twelve-year-old Skylar ventured into the caverns on Ryloth, searching for the kyber crystals that would power her very first lightsaber. A silent tear leaked down my cheek and splashed onto my hand as the purple blade bathed the bunk in violet.

Memories of joy and peace ripped through my heart as I ignited the crimson saber, pain swamping my head. I moaned softly as I deactivated both sabers and curled up on my side.

Obi-Wan was right. I growled, punching my pillow in frustration. I hated it when Obi-Wan was right. I thought I was finally at peace with my decision, but once again, I was at war, torn between the light and the dark.

A searing wave of terror tore through the Force and I screamed as millions of lives were snuffed out as I watched the Death Star explode. My head spun as a wave of conflicting emotions washed over me as the Force mourned the loss of the innocent lives but rejoiced as a great darkness was destroyed.

"Skylar?" My curtain was yanked aside and I blinked as Cody's terrified face swam into focus. He collapsed to his knees beside me and stroked my forehead.

"You shouldn't be up," I murmured, reaching up to touch his cheek. He leaned over a brushed his lips over my forehead.

"I heard you screaming. What happened?"

"The Death Star." I shot up, narrowly avoiding bashing my head on the top bunk. "The rebels managed to destroy the Death Star." I grasped Cody's hand and helped him to his feet. "I have to speak with Obi-Wan and my father. But first I have to put you back in bed." Cody leaned heavily against me and didn't protest. He collapsed onto his bed and I cast a worried glance at him as he drifted back into the arms of sleep.

I found Obi-Wan and my father in the cockpit, heads bent together. They both looked up as I walked in.

"You felt it?" I asked. They nodded solemnly and I perched on the chair behind my father. "Now what?"

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