Chapter 22

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"The Force, it is everywhere. It surrounds us, binds us. It is always moving, always changing. Our choices will always have an impact. And I can see yours; you have surrendered to the darkness; it has consumed you. You believe you will have peace, but how can you have peace with the blood of millions staining your hands? You deal in lies and deceit; trickery and darkness! But no matter how far gone you think you are, you can never fully extinguish the light. Even when the darkness is at its bleakest and darkest moment, a light of hope will always emerge. .
My eyes snapped open, the urgently whispered words ringing in my head. I rubbed a hand over my bleary eyes. The voice sounded vaguely like Obi-Wan, even though I had no idea where he was. I threw on a silky black cloak and strode out of my chamber. I stopped a passing by stormtrooper.

"I am looking for my father. Do you know where I can find him?" The stormtrooper nodded and pointed towards the bridge. I bowed my head in thanks and he backed away slowly, eyes glued to the floor. I flipped up my hood and walked towards the bridge, everyone scrambling out of my way.

I found my father on the bridge, the crew eerily quite.

"Hello, Skylar. I have someone I would like you to meet." I nodded and trailed after him. Once again, people parted for us, throwing themselves out of the way. I followed after my father, marveling at the power that his name carried. We wove our way through the halls, my mind whirling, trying to take in everything and remember our path. Vader stopped suddenly in front of a set of black steel doors. Two guards clothed entirely from head to toe in blood red armor stood guard. Vader nodded at them and they opened the doors and stepped to the side. Vader swept into the dim room, and I stepped into the room after him.

We were in a dimly light room with metal walls, ceilings and floor. About five feet from the door was a high backed throne, and seated in the throne was a man shrouded in a black cloak and his face hidden by a black cowl.  The shadows wrapped around him, obscuring his face and any other details about him.

"Lord Vader," he rasped, his voice carrying across the room. I shivered. The dark side rolled off of him in waves of dark energy; this was a man you did not want to cross. Vader knelt before the man, his face tilted to the floor. I held back, unsure of what to do.

"Master, I have brought Skylar to you." The man motioned for Vader to stand. The man lifted his face and I met a pair of cunning, gleaming yellow eyes, staring out of a pale, wrinkled face.

"So, this is the daughter of Anakin Skywalker," he said, rising to his feet. He barely reached Vader's shoulder, making him a few inches shorter than me. He started towards me, so I bowed my head slightly, my hair falling across my cheeks.

"Let me see you, girl." I lifted my head and studied his face, tilting my head to the side. He didn't look threatening at all, but I suspect that was his greatest strength; the fact that he looks harmless, so people underestimate him. But I wasn't fooled. He held himself tall and regally; his stance shrieking power.

"So, you've pledged yourself to the Dark Side." It was more of a statement than a question. I nodded. "So now you need a Sith name." He started to pace, something I did and I had noticed Vader did as well. Must be a Sith thing. He paused, and looked back at me.

"I know. Your name will be. . . Darth Tytär."

"Darth Tytär," I repeated, the name rolling off my tongue. I smiled. I liked it. "But what does it mean?" He looked at Vader and Vader gave a slight nod. The man's mouth quirked up in a small smile.

"Well, your father's name means 'Dark Father.' Yours means. . . Dark Daughter."

I'm sorry for the week late update!  I'm currently in British Columbia on vacation, but I had lots of spare time sitting in a vehicle, so I wrote a chapter. This one is just mostly filler, giving you Skylar and Palpatine's first meeting, as well as Skylar's Sith name and meaning.
May the Force be with you! <3

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