Chapter 28

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I stood barefoot on an unfamiliar planet, it's lush greens and flowing waters a far cry from the desert I had been on a moment ago. My mind moved sluggishly, unable to recall why I had any memory of a place such as that. I looked down at my bare feet, now child sized. I shook my head attempting to gather my thoughts, but the grass tickling my knees and the warm sunshine in a breath taking blue sky overshadowded everything else. A giggle escaped my lips as the world began spin, colours and sounds swirling into each other, becoming black.

I blinked and found myself on the Death Star, clothed in black and observing from the shadows. I watched as Tarkin, a high ranking offical working under my father, Leia and my father stood facing a blue planet. Tarkin was attempting to drag the location of the rebel base from the princess. Finally, he pointed to the planet, her home, and threatned to destroy it. She bowed her head and whispered a location. Tarkin turned to Vader, a triumphant smirk curling his mouth. A dangerous glint flooded his pale eyes as his cruel smirk uttered the word "Fire." The princess thrashed in panic and begged Tarkin to spare her people. The room flickered and swirled as Leia sagged against my father.

I was then back on the planet, watching in heart stopping terror as the Death Star fired. A scream tore from thousands of mouths as a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist. I stared up into the glazed eyes of a man, my heart immedatly cried "daddy." Reflected in his eyes were the eyes of a terrified child. He pulled me close to his chest as he wrapped an arm around a slender woman who looked like an older version of the child. Tears leaked down my face as my small family embraced tightly, dad shielding us. Then there was nothing but a deafening silence.

"Skylar? Can you hear me?" I awoke with a scream, terror coursing through my veins.  Panic  tightened its grip on my chest as I struggled to draw a breath into my lungs. A gentle arm wrapped around my shoulders and eased me into a sitting position.

"Shh, you're okay. I'm here. You're safe. Bad dream?" Cody's soothing voice eased the band around my chest. He pressed a water flask against my lips and I managed to swallow a few sips before I gently pushed it away. I turned to look at him, not trusting myself to not burst into tears if I opened my mouth. A shadow of a beard clung to his jaw and his brown eyes shone brightly out of his deeply tanned face. His blond hair was slightly longer and his shirt was pulled taunt across his broad chest and shoulders.

My eyes misted as he crouched down and looked me in the eyes. The concern brimming in his eyes broke my heart. I wasn't the same girl that he had left a year ago. Tears began to slid down my cheeks.

"Shh, don't cry Skylar." He wrapped me in his arms. I sobbed against his shoulder as he stroked my hair and murmured soothing words in my ear.

"I missed you so much!" I hiccuped. He brushed a tear from my cheek.

"I missed you too. Where's Obi-Wan? I couldn't find him anywhere after you collapsed."

"I don't know. We were separated and I was looking for him when I found you." I stood up, Cody's hand resting on my elbow. "How long was I out for?"

"Almost two days. What happened?" I swallowed. Two days?

"Something terrible has happened. I felt it through the Force."

"Do you want to talk about it?" I turned away and wordlessly shook my head. I then took a good look around the area. We weren't on the planet anymore.

"Where are we?"

"We're on my personal ship orbiting Tatoonie."

"How did you get a ship?" He grinned and sat down across from where I was standing.

"It's been a year. Did you really expect me to sit around waiting for you to pick me up?" He leaned back with a smile. "I climbed through the ranks under Jabba the Hutt. He pays those loyal to him quite handsomely. I freed your family and brought them home." I crossed my arms over my chest as I stared out the window.

"Why did you come back to Tatoonie?"

"I received a coded transmission from Obi-Wan on the comlink you guys gave me before I left." My throat tightened. Why did Obi-Wan leave Cody a comlink without telling me, and why did he call Cody?

"What did he say?"

"All he said was that you and him were trapped on Tatoonie. He didn't mention that you had been separated or what you were doing there." He came over and stood behind me, eyes questioning. Tears once again welled in my eyes.

"I can't talk about it. Not now." He nodded and wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

"It's okay. We can talk later. For now, let me take you home for awhile. It's been a long time since you've seen your family."

I nodded and smiled gently. I was going home.

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