Chapter 38

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I blinked and was back on board the Death Star, hands trembling as I watched Obi-Wan and my father snap back into reality.

"We have to go." Obi-Wan started after the Emperor. "Where is your ship, Skylar? We can use it to get clear of the Death Star before the rebels arrive." I froze, glaring at him as he helped Cody up.

"What? Why would I help you? You tried to kill me!"

"As I recall, you were trying to kill me. If you want to live to fight me another day, we have to go now." He turned to my father. "You too Anakin. I'm not leaving you behind."

"No." I ignited my saber. "You took everything from me. My honour, my father, my future. And you-" I whirled to face my father. "How could you be so weak? Giving in just like that?"

"My turn back has been a long time in coming, my child. You felt the conflict within me, just as I sense the conflict within you."

"No. No, I finally found where I belong, and I won't let anyone take that from me. Not even you." I lifted my saber and ran towards them. I swung hard for Obi-Wan, only to be blocked by Vader's gleaming red blade. I pulled back and swung for him, fury glazing my eyes.

"How could you do this to me?" I screamed at them, yanking a strand of hair away from my eye. I flung off my cloak and somersaulted over Vader's head, landing before Obi-Wan. 

I swung hard for Obi-Wan and sliced through his cloak, knicking his shoulder. He hissed in pain, swinging his blade up to prevent another attack. Cody ran up to me, blaster raised. He squeezed off a shot and I dodged, the heat of the blast searing my exposed skin.

I deflected his next shot back at him, forcing him to take cover. The snap-hiss of an igniting lightsaber drew my attention back to my father as he raised his blade in front of him, taking a defensive stance.

"You can't kill me," I cackled. "You don't stand a chance, because I have nothing left to lose." He sighed and took a step forward. 

"You forget. There are three of us and one of you. Your arrogance betrays you, my child." I felt him smile. "You are far too much like me." 

I growled and struck fast, energy crackling off the blades as they collided. I landed blow after blow but he calmly blocked each one. My rage grew with each missed strike, coiling through my stomach, rushing through my veins. 

Obi-Wan rushed back into the duel, his pure blue blade a stark contrast to our red. I shoved Vader away and focused on Obi-Wan, harassing him with blow after blow, nudging him back. 

"Skylar!" Cody's voice cut through the haze clouding my mind like a dagger, piercing my heart. I halted, saber pointed at Obi-Wan's chest. I heard him come up behind me, footsteps hesitant. "Look at me." I shook my head fiercely, hair sticking to my damp forehead. 

"No. It's a trap. The second I turn around, Obi-Wan will stab me in the back." I snarled. Obi-Wan shrugged.

"Here. Take my weapon." He deactivated it and offered it to me. I narrowed my eyes and snatched from him. I then turned to face Cody, my eyes drinking his features.

His split lip oozed blood, smearing across his chin. His high cheekbones were decorated with purple bruises and his left eye was beginning to swell. My heart clenched: He had never looked more handsome. His took another tentative step forward and reached out his hand. 

"Come home Skylar. Please." I let Obi-Wan's saber fall to the ground and deactivated my saber, before I accepted his hand. He cupped his other hand over mine, his tanned skin a distinctive contrast against mine.

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