• Give Him Hell •

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My foot tapped restlessly against the green carpet of the Slytherin compartment.

"Mate, I get that you're nervous and all, but I'm about to disconnect your foot from your body," Blaise gave me a look.

Pansy smacked him upside the head and rolled her eyes at him, "Shut up you insensitive prick, he's seeing his father in under twenty minutes."

I sighed and turned to face the window, wishing I could stop the train so that I didn't have to get off at Kings Cross.

Hermione not coming with me makes it ten times worse. However, she's been through shit too. She was forced to wipe her parents memories for Merlin's sake! Her parents need her more than I do... but I can't help but wish she was going to be there while my father raises his wand again.

A knock at the compartment door startled me out of my thoughts.

I looked up and relief washed through me as she smiled timidity at me while opening the door.

Pansy smirked up at her, "Granger."

Hermione smiled at her, "Hey Pansy."

Pansy raised her eyebrows slightly at her and Hermione's head tilted slightly.

I glanced at Blaise, but he looked just as confused.

Pansy suddenly stood up and grabbed Blaise's arm, "You know what, Zabini, I'm craving some chocolate frogs, let's go get some."

Blaise stumbled after her, "But we're practically there-"

She turned around, glaring at him as she pulled him out of the compartment, "Sorry, did you say something?"

The door shut behind them but not before Blaise exclaimed, "Oh! I get it!"

Hermione immediately turned to me, her eyebrows drawn as she smiled slightly at me, "How are you doing?"

I laughed shakily, "I could be better."

Hermione sighed and charged me, throwing herself on top of me and wrapping her arms tightly around me and burying her head in the crook of my shoulder, "I feel so bad, Draco. I should be there for you. This is hard for you, I can tell, and I want to be there to help you."

"'Mione, there's nothing I want more than for you to be next to me. I want to help you with your parents too, but I think we both need to deal with our families," I whispered against her ear, "Besides, you said you were going to make it up to me when we got back, remember?"

She giggled and pulled away, leaning in to capture my lips between hers.

My hands slid to her hips just as the train screeched to a halt.

She pulled away and brushed her thumb against my cheek, "I love you, don't forget that."

"I could never forget it," I pulled her to me for one more desperate kiss before I murmured against her lips, "I love you more than you can know."

She grinned and pressed her forehead against mine, "I believe in you."

Hermione slid off of me and walked to the door before turning around, "Draco?"

I looked up, "Yeah, love?"

She smirked at me, Dear Merlin, "Give him hell."

And she walked away.

How the bloody hell did I get so lucky as to get this woman as mine?

• • •

After writing this I realize I should've just attached it to the last chapter but I wasn't sure if I wanted to write this or not but I'm glad I did.

Tbh I didn't even know if I was gonna have this written for today lol.

Anyways, first game tomorrow and I'm super nervous so yay 👌🏼

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