• This Was Home •

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I sat in the Gryffindor Common room, working on a terribly long essay for potions, which already had me annoyed seeing as potions is my least favorite subject, other than Divination, of course. 

That class should be called; How to be a Con Artists 101. 

"'Mione?" A voice murmured from behind me. 

I stretched, massaging a kink in my neck from leaning over my homework all day, and turned to face the person who called me. 

Harry and Ron stood there, both looking sheepish. 

Ginny was sprawled across the sofa in the common room, grinning victoriously, winking at me before she turned her attention to the two boys. 

I blinked, surprised and confused that they were standing there. 

"Uh, hey," I said in response, "What's wrong?"

Harry was getting better at hiding his guilty look, the 'I did something you're going to get mad at me for and I don't know how to tell you what I did' look.

However, it practically radiated off of Ron's face. 

I sighed, massaging my temples, "What did you do now?"

Harry shook his head, "We were jerks, Hermione."

I frowned at him, clearly confused about what they were talking about. 

Ron nodded in agreement with Harry, "We were. I was especially."

I blinked, "I'm sorry, I really have no idea what you're talking about, you're going to have to be a little more specific."

"We found out that you and Fer-Malfoy were dating and we both went off on you. We're here to say that we're sorry for that. I just- he called you mudblood for all these years Hermione, back when I tried to hex him to eat slugs you didn't seem like you wanted me to stop. I just thought that you'd hate him, so I hated him," Ron explained, his ears red. 

I sighed, "That was before I knew that I had feelings for him. I hated him, I really did. That was before I saw the other side of Draco, the one he was hiding from the world instead of the one he was showing. I'm not justifying anything Draco has said or done to anyone, but I believe he has good in him and I've seen it, Ron," I stood, smiling at Ron, "I remember the day you stuck up for me in front of Draco. I loved you for it, Ron. I still do. Just- you know, not that way. You're my best friend, Ron."

Ron smiled at me, his lips pulled high in the corner as his ears burned. 

"Oh Merlin, just hug already!" Ginny called.

I looked over to see Ginny propped up on her elbow with a bucket of popcorn she must've conjured up. Harry was sitting on the ground next to her, reaching for popcorn while her attention was on me. She saw him out of the corner of her eye and swatted his hand. 

I turned back to Ron and he walked to me, enveloping me in a hug.

I closed my eyes and leaned against him, my face pressed against his shoulder. 

"I missed you, 'Mione," He whispered. 

I smiled into his shoulder, "I missed you too, Ron."

He was an idiot. A really big idiot, but he was my best friend.

He pulled away, "Does this mean you forgive me for being a prick?"

"Only because you called yourself a prick," I grinned. 

Harry stood and walked over to us, "Do you forgive me for being a twat, too?"

I crossed my arms over my chest, "Depends, what's your apology speech."

He blanched, "I thought Ron's was going to be good enough for both of us."

Ginny bursted out laughing, "You put your faith in Ron? Oh, sweetheart, you're an idiot!"

Harry grinned at being called sweetheart while Ron glared at her, not nearly as flattered. 

Ginny jumped up, throwing her popcorn on the sofa, her arms wide open, "Come on, losers, group hug."

We chuckled but no one argued as we all grouped together, arms around each other. 

This was home. 

• • •

Kind of a filler but I realized how crappy I make Ron in my stories and as much as I don't want to see Hermione and Ron together romantically, I still think their friendship is cute and all that so, sorry for those of you that hate Ron, that might be partly my fault lol but yeah. 

Anyways, I put a bunch of my poems together and made a book so It's probably going to be punished by the time you're reading this so go check it out if ya want, it's called Late Night Confessions and is on my page. 

Thank you for 1.5k views! 

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