• Tea Was Spilt •

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I woke up and it felt like something drilled a hole in my head, crawled inside and started playing the drums on my brain.

I groaned and opened my eyes, gasping.

I was in Malfoy's arms.

My head was pressed against his chest and my right arm was slung around his body, resting on his left shoulder. His right arm was wrapped around my waist and his left arm was resting on my hip.

I swore at how comfortable it was.

I tried to slip out of his hold as carefully as I could, without causing explosions to go off in my head, but failed miserably when I shifted my weight too far to the right and fell off the bed, taking the sheets with me.

I landed with a groan.

"Granger?" Malfoy groaned, shifting on the bed to look down at me, fully mummified with the white sheets. I tried to raise my hand to wave sheepishly, but it was tangled in the sheets.

He chuckled, shaking his head and getting to his feet.

Merlin help me, he's half naked.

I tried not to look but decided it would be offensive to Merlin not to look. I mean, he put so much time into creating those abs and muscles and holy mother of Merlin the way his muscles ripple when he puts on a shirt is like skipping a stone.

I grunted and threw my head back to the ground with a lot of effort, Get it together Hermione! I screamed at myself.

Malfoy suddenly turned, fully dressed, watching me struggle.

"Can I help you?" I glared at him, wincing and grabbing my head as it throbbed with pain.

Malfoy's features flickered suddenly and he walked over to a cabinet, grabbing a vial and kneeling next to me on the floor, offered it to me.

I squinted at it, "Poison? I mean, I expected this, but not until after the fake honeymoon."

He rolled his eyes at me, "It's a hangover potion. Gets rid of the headache and energizes you. I've got plenty left for Blaise. Merlin knows he'll need every one."

I grabbed the vial and examined it suspiciously before downing it, thrusting the vial back to him. I grimaced and stuck my tongue out, "That's disgusting."

He looked into the vial and nodded, "Yeah, gave Blaise hallucinations  the first five times he took it."

I stopped tugging at the sheet wrapped tightly around my foot to stare at him in horror.

He burst out laughing, shaking his head at me, "You're too easy Granger!"

"Twat," I glared at his back as he made the way to his window, where a white owl was approaching.

I finally managed to untangle myself and turned, now standing, to see Malfoy groan and run his hand down his face, "Bloody hell."

I frowned, "What is it?"

"Well, I guess we're doing better at this whole relationship thing than we thought," he flashed me the letter, "My mother wants us to visit."

• • •

"There's sleeping beauty, enjoy your sexy time last night?" Ginny smirked at me as I made my way into the Gryffindor common room.

Harry winced, "Can we not talk about that while the male best friend is around?"

Ginny waved him off, "Prude."

"Ginny, You've got to help me, I'm meeting Malfoy's mother!" I shrieked.

She waved me off, "Oh chill out, just don't insult them and you should be fine."

I frowned, shoving a piece of parchment deeper into my jeans, "So saying 'Your family tree must be a cactus because you're all a bunch of pricks' isn't a smart thing to say."

She grinned, "I knew there was a reason I became friends with you. Unfortunately, I would not recommend telling Narcissa Malfoy that, no."

I groaned and threw myself onto the sofa Harry was on, causing him to flick my forehead. I swatted his hand away.

Ginny threw her book to the side, making me cringe, but she wasn't interested. Her eyes looked hungry.

"Tell me about the party," She grinned.

Harry immediately looked at me, "Do I want to be here for this story, or am I going to have nightmares for the next week and a half."

I grinned, "That depends, do your nightmares include Draco Malfoy half naked in bed?"

Harry's cheeks reddened, he immediately stood and walked to the stairs, "No, 'Mione, those would be my daydreams."

I grinned at him as Ginny rolled her eyes, even more eager to hear the story, "Spill the tea, sis."

"Pardon?" I grinned knowingly.

She waved me off, looking annoyed, "Some saying all the muggleborns are talking about, hurry up, I don't have all weekend."

I rolled my eyes but began the story, her eyes looking like they were going to blow up with glee.

And the tea was spilt.

• • •
Lol I just figured out we might have a snow day tomorrow too 😂

Anywho... thank you for almost 650 followers! Y'all are awesome.

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