Chapter Thirty-Nine: Heritage

Start from the beginning

"Looking at him...will make it harder."

This explanation made very little sense to the king. He did, however, know that Camille was struggling with her new life...and with the idea of being a parent. Camille's grandmother had informed him of everything, so although he was upset by her distant attitude, he at least understood it. "Why? Afraid you'll like him?"

Camille's glare was almost piercing. That was how Arthur knew that he was correct. His queen was frightened; primarily of looking into the eyes of the child she thought that she would fail.

Arthur, without permission, rested the child in Camille's tense arms. "Just look at him. At least once."

The weight now resting against her was too much to ignore, and coupled with Arthur's words she felt that she had no choice. Just one look, then she'd give him to the royal carers. People that could love him and raise him much better than Camille ever could...but when her gaze fell onto the small boy, she was unable to tear herself away again.

He truly did have her grandmother's ears; rounded and a little higher than most. They stuck out prominently, and so, they were one of the first things to be noticed. His nose was truly the only feature that he had inherited from his mother besides her skin tone. Everything else was the spitting image of Arthur. The face shape, steely grey eyes, lips, brow, and even the small tuft of hair that sported a few small strands of blonde.

Something within her shifted. That fear of becoming like her own mother; neglectful and cruel, vanished. It was as if the world had been split in the middle and revealed its true form to her, forcing Camille to do the same. The severity of her own actions dawned upon her almost painfully; by trying to avoid being her mother, she had become her. Upon seeing him, she couldn't imagine ever giving him away like she had planned.

He was perfect. Beyond the requisite ten fingers and ten toes, and the beating heart. Her son already seemed comfortable underwater. She didn't know how it was possible that such perfection could have developed within a body as flawed as her own, and yet there he was.

Camille was so consumed by this mental shift, that she found that she could do nothing but cry; for the love she suddenly held, and the realisation of what it was meant to feel like. Thankfully though, there were no tears in Atlantis, only the resonating sobbing. Arthur embraced them both in his strong arms. He didn't ask why she was crying, he just offered her the support to do so without embarrassment. It was then that she could finally allow herself to fully feel attached to him. As her husband, and as the father of her son. She trembled in his grasp, and holding the newborn tightly in her arms, her glossy eyes met Arthur's.

"Thank you." She managed to mutter shakily. She thanked him for his understanding, for his patience, and for his unwavering love. It was more than she'd gotten from any other man in her life. "I love you."

Despite the joy this brought Arthur to hear, he managed to contain it. Knowing that to overreact would make him look foolish. Instead, he held her tighter and rested his chin against the top of her head. "I know you do."

Just as the room had fell into a comfortable silence, another figure bursted through the entrance. Council member Shr'or. It seemed like even this special moment couldn't grant them a bit of privacy.

"The people of Atlantis are waiting for you to address them." Shr'or said, straight to business as usual.

Arthur swiftly unravelled his arms from Camille and glared at the council member. Apparently, he wasn't too pleased that they had been disturbed...but there was nothing to be done about it. The city awaited their oration. Camille had been informed of this just after her pregnancy was revealed. Vulko told her that she'd have to make a short 'speech', but not what she'd have to say. Shr'or must have been aware of this, because as Arthur was preparing to leave, he swam up to her and handed her a stone tablet.

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