Chapter Three: The Coming Storm

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Amnesty Bay had been evacuated

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Amnesty Bay had been evacuated. The residents were persistent in their desire to stay, but Camille's determination finally broke through. They watched from a distance as the waves rose over their homes, gasping but never speaking a word.

The tsunami wave crashed louder than an explosion and the water washed half of the town like it were no more substantial than an architect's scale model abandoned on the sands. It was the extinguishing of a dream, of a way of life, easier than wet fingers on a candle flame.

When the wave retreated they walked down the mountainside in single file, the occasional cry from a child or a gull wheeling above was the only break in an otherwise oppressive silence. The land now smelled just like the beach, all that salt seeping into Amnesty Bay. All around were household items: teapots, kettles, toasters, chairs and computers. Every one of them oozed sea-water, saturated and broken.

The people wandered the town like lost souls, seeming to shimmer and twist in the bitter cold. It wasn't just the buildings that got taken out to sea, it was everything they were. In its wake the residents were like empty jars on a shelf, still holding their forms but without anything left inside.

Half of the town was left undamaged, but the places closest to the sea were nothing but soaking rubble. This represented a chance to rebuild, but it made the experience no less painful.

As the townsfolk started gathering their belongings from the watery grave, Camille had dashed back to the lighthouse. It was, surprisingly, still standing but Aquaman was nowhere to be seen.

Still, remaining hopeful, she entered the structure and continued her search. The lighthouse was leaking with seawater. She spotted something moving on the wooden panels, but it was too small to be anything but a fish that had been washed up with the wave.

Camille's expression instantly flashed from worry to sorrow. There must have been many sea creatures just like that one... suffocating on land. It tugged painfully at her heartstrings and she found herself stepping closer to the dying animal. She scooped the slippery creature up into her hands and dropped it into the visible ocean outside the window. Despite the fact that she was by no means vegetarian, she had never liked watching the poor things suffer.

As she spotted the fish disappear into the crystal blue ocean, her eyes attempted to follow it as it sped away. That's how she found him.

There was a man laying unconscious on a nearby rock, his back stretched at an agonising angle and his head barely dangling above the sea. He looked badly injured, bruises and slashes covering his abdomen.

With speed that would put The Flash to shame, Camille sprinted out of the building and waded through the water in full clothing. The ocean only reached just passed her waist by the time she made it to the unconscious man.

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