Chapter Eleven: Cobalt and Crescent In Battle

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Later on in the evening, Tendo was making his way into the LOCCENT Control Room, carrying a few cups of coffee for some of the workers and technicians.

Tendo walked over to Weiss, and handed her a cup of hot cocoa. "Thank you, Tendo." The heiress thanked with a smile on her face.

But then, as the two entered the control room, he saw the Seismometer was going out of control, and was detecting something going on down at the Breach. "Movement in the Breach." The A.I spoke out. "Grimm detected. Dilation indicator, Category 4."

Immediately, Tendo called in the Jaeger Pilots and many technicians, while everyone was tracking the Kaiju after it left the Breach. So far, they haven't determined it's location, but they knew it was coming.

Braedey stepped in through the crowds, stepping up lacy to Alex and Alice, along with Ruby and Yang. The Wei Tang Brothers, Kaidanovskies, Hansens, and both Jaune and Pyrrha were there.

"What's going on?" Braedey asked the others once he arrived.

"A Kaiju Grimm has surfaced." Alex replied to him, sounding rather serious now instead of being funny.

"Breach was exposed at 2000 hours." Tendo informed everyone, as they listened in. "We have one Kaiju signature, a Category 4. Codename: Diamosaurus. Tracking shows it will reach Shanwei in two hours' time on Altas' West."

Shànwěi is a prefecture-level city in eastern Guangdong province, People's Republic of Remnant. Its about 137km away from Atlas and Atlas 2.0, borders Jieyang to the East, Meizhou and Heyuan to the North, Huizhou to the West, and looks out to the South Sea to the South. It lies approximately 120km (75 mi) East of Shenzhen and the locals speak the Haifeng dialect.

"Marshal." Braedey spoke up, getting Ironwood's attention. "Please. You have to let Cobalt Warrior out into the battlefield."

"Mr. Martin, Cobalt Warrior is-" Ironwood was then cut of by Yang.

"Is ready for deployment." Yang stated back next. "Sir, we need all the other Jaegers here in Atlas in case the double event occurs."

Ironwood sighed, and he knew the two were right. In addition, it'll be the first time the Mark-3 has actually been put into service. "Very well." He next looked over to everyone. "Evacuate the city. Shut down the bridges. I want every single civilian in a refuge right now." He then looked to Braedey and the two sisters, who stood firm, his hands behind his back. "Crescent Celica. Cobalt Warrior. I want you both to frontline the harbour. Stay on the Miracle Mile. Only engage when you have the Kaiju in sight."

"Yes, Sir!" Braedey and the two sisters yelled out, the three of them standing firm and tough. The girls smiled to him, seeing Braedey's fiery spirt back.

"Let's go!" Ironwood announced, and everyone got to work, as Braedey, Ruby, and Yang sprint off to get ready to Drift with Cobalt, but this time, for battle.


Ten minutes later, a squadron of V-50 Skyhawk helicopters, armed with cables and magnets, were hooked up to Cobalt and Crescent, and started to lift the two Jaegers out of their bays, all of them transporting the Jaegers to Shanwei's Bay. Once up at an altitude of around 100ft above sea level, the choppers beach to fly towards Shanwei, about an hour away from Atlas.

Alice and Alex watched them fly away, just as Weiss, Jaune, and Pyrrha walked up alongside them. "That was so cool." Alex commented, watching the Mark-3 be transported away in the distance. "Go, Cobalt Warrior! You rock, Crescent Celica!"

"I just hope Braedey will be okay out there on his own." Jaune hoped.

"He's not alone, and he will be fine." Pyrrha reassured her friend, as she looked over to Cobalt Warrior in the distance. "I know he will..."

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