Chapter Nine: Initiate the Drift

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"Only one of them is still alive." Ruby replied to her question. "He unfortunately left the Jaegers awhile ago, and he didn't want to pilot another Jaeger again, since his brother died right next to him when Knifehead ripped him out of the Conn-Pod."

"Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't know." Alice muttered.

"Hey, it's okay, sis." Alex reassured his sister. "I'm sure he did what he could then, and killed that Kaiju."

Alice showed a small smile to her brother, seeing him try and make him smile, then the two of them followed Ruby and Yang off to the Drivesuit room to change out of their armour.


With Braedey, he was down by Cobalt Warrior, admiring the original steel structure and composite materials that went into building the Mark-3. He did remember the few times from his past before he and Max became the next pilots for Gipsy after the Becket brothers resigned.

It all started back at Beacon Academy six years ago, before Braedey and Max were both assigned to Gipsy Danger. Cobalt Warrior, after being constructed, had been assigned to be a training Jaeger, and to train the new cadets how to Drift with one another perfectly. The new cadets, excluding Braedey and Max, were all struggling to Drift with one another and the Mark-3, but nobody knew why. When Braedey tried a single-pilot Drift, which people said was suicide, but that was when he unlocked his Semblance. He felt a surge of power go through him, but instead of suffering a seizure or falling unconscious, he completed a single-pilot Drift with the Mark-3 Jaeger. But, as this happened, something strange occurred within the A.I of the Jaeger. It suddenly gained a personality, a type of sentience, and it could see and understand any and all feelings from the humans.

For the new few weeks, the Mark-3 Jaeger seemed to reject the cadets, the technicians unsure of what is the problem. Not even Goodwitch and Ozpin could figure out what is going on, until Braedey performed another single-pilot Drift. When he did so, within his head, he suddenly heard a female voice speaking out, and he realised it was the artificial intelligence of the Jaeger speaking out to him. He soon learn the reason why this Mark-3 Jaeger was rejecting the other cadets; she felt disgusted by the thoughts that were going on through the other Ranger's minds. When they would Drift with her, she could sense they were all wanting to show off to the world that they were the best of the best, and mostly the men wanted to show off to the ladies. When braedey decided to do the solo Drift, even though he knew it was suicide, you did it, thus activating his Semblance, also releasing Cobalt's A.I. When she looked through his mind, she could sense and see his memories. She saw him lost his grandparents to the Kaiju Grimm Trespasser, and he wanted to destroy them all.

Soon, when the time was right, Braedey and Max soon assigned themselves into the Jaeger Academy. So, once the Drift was complete between them, Cobalt began to take in the other half of the Neural load, and allow Braedey to control her the same way two Pilots take control of a Jaeger. But soon, when the time was called forth, Braedey and Max were ordered to take over control of Gipsy Danger when the Becket Brothers resigned. When Braedey left to pilot Gipsy, Cobalt felt alone without him being around, and each time trainees and cadets would try the Drift, she would block them time and time again, until the officials decided to keep her under wraps, and she never got to see the outside the Shatterdome walls. But, whenever Braedey would have some free time, he'd come over to Cobalt's bay, and he would try and Drift with her. Each time he did perform a Drift with Cobalt, the Jaeger would sense a faint feeling from within him and Cobalt and he could feel it get stronger with each Drift. And whenever he would even sleep in her Conn-Pod, he could sense she was keeping him warm and safe, and Braedey would her to sing to sleep at times.

RWBY Pacific RimOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora