Chapter 1

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Chapter One

(Abby’s P.O.V)

       “ABBY! GET OVER HERE!!” yelled Big Bad, technique he’s kind of our master but since he’s big...and bad, that what I call him. I was cleaning the floors of our ‘home’ with a tooth brush. This is what I usually do every day, unless I am told to do something else.  I have to clean the offices, all the rooms, and the foyer. Ya I

       I sighed. Wonder what I did this time. Usually I get in trouble for nothing or just the littlest things. I got up from where I was cleaning, the wind blew my brown hair in front of my face. I huffed and pulled my hair up in a messy bun and I walked into the office.

       “Hmm... sir, you wanted me?” I murmured, with my head down. He was sitting behind his desk. He had black short hair, and red eyes. I have never seen anyone with red eyes before, but also haven’t left the island so I guess I couldn’t see if anyone had any.

       I was shaking since usually when he calls me into his office when he has things to say about my work, which are never good things and I get punished. Either I get whipped, have no food for a month, get whipped even more, harassed, be pushed into the wild dogs’ cage and be bitten at or being kicked around by him like a rag doll. Trust me when I say he isn’t the nicest person in town. I got the scars to prove it. Some people feel bad for me as they walk by me. They look at me with eyes of confusion, compassion, and care. But I don’t care. They can’t do anything for me and I don’t need there sympathy.

       “Well, your mutt was running around everywhere while you were cleaning, YOU KNOW THAT WE CANT LEAVE HIM RUNNING AROUND LIKE A WILD ANIMAL!!!!” He slammed his fist against the desk, making me yelp in surprised. “If you don’t control him than he is going to the dungeon!” I flinched. The dungeon is where the kept the monsters. We only have one or two since they’re hard to catch. But I know that they will eat anything they get their hands on. Since I bet they aren’t feed often.   

       “I’m sorry sir, it won’t happen again. I promise.” Please no punishment, please. I pleaded. I'm still healing from last week’s strikes for having my hair up.  

       “I’ve decided that I’m going to make you go to Training. Maybe you’ll learn so respect.” Great another punis—wait.  No whip? No harassment? No wild dogs? I'm going to train? This is great!!! I finally can get a chance of a bigger room. And no chores! That’s amazing. I held back a smile in front of him because he might change his mind. Why he is making me train now... I have no freaking clue. But I don’t care anymore. I finally can train.

       I bowed my head slightly and left the room as fast as I could. As I walked out, I turned around to see if he was still watching me. He was. Just act casual. I turned back around again and…crash! I crashed into someone dropping all my stuff (I was still holding my bucket, toothbrush and soap). I groaned and knelt down to get pick up my stuff.

       “I'm sorry, let me help you.” A deep voice said. He picked up my bucket while I picked up the soap and the tooth brush. As I got up, I noticed he got up at the same time.  He had adorable sea blue eyes and little curly light brown hair. He was so freaking cute!! Wait. Am I checking him out? I blushed as he smirked.

       “Hi, I’m Max. Are you new here? Haven’t seen you around.” He looked vaguely familiar. I shrugged it off and I rolled my eyes. I always got this question.

       “I’m Abby. Nope, I'm not new, been here for roughly 13 years now. Also I’ve never trained.” His eyes went wide, like most peoples. Everyone who is around 11 years of age starts training.

False Reality: True DreamsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora