"Today. In the Year, 2122, March 30th, I have made what I believe to be the next step, in robotics and human bionics. Through the funding, provided to me by Akido Science and Research Corporation, I have been able to..."

Relax Roland...breathe.

He tried. Tried all he could. The doctor took a deep breath, steeling himself and preparing to continue his speech. The eye's of over 8 billion people were upon him now, and Multi-Trillion Tile Corporations, potential investors in furthering his product, with literal trillions of Tiles in their bank accounts could back him. He needed to relax and deliver a strong, powerful speech.

He was making history today.

"I have been able to create something extraordinary. Ladies and gentlemen, I give to you, Zephyr 30-03-22!" He said, waving his hand back.

Two men appeared from behind the doors, wheeling out a large see through tank. Inside, was a young boy, with jet black hair.

The crowd gasped, the camera's rapidly clicking while blinding light flashed repeatedly, forcing the doctor to shut his eye's as he continued his speech.

"Zephyr 30-03-22, named that because it is the date of his release as well as being the first successful model  three thousand three hundred and twenty two, he is the first, sentient synthetic human."

He stared at the boy, proud of his work. His years of work, countless nights he was deprived of sleep, hate he had gotten from other scientists, and set backs, had all paid off, his vision had borne fruit.

And a beautiful one at that.

"Are there any questions?" The doctor asked.

In an instant, several questions were thrown at the doctor, and he picked out a few, answering each one.

"Doctor, will this new product be replacing the androids we have currently?"

"Zephyr 30-03-22 was designed to blend seemlessly into human society. He is not a product but a living being,bridging the gap between man and machine."

"Doctor Roland! How will this product be any use to our society if he's just meant to be alive?"

"Zephyr 30-03-22 was designed with the vision of being a...domestic human. As in he's capable of his own thoughts while also being able to provide help for humans if they need him. So he is capable of his own thoughts and actions not dictated by artificial intelligence,but by a functioning brain."

"Can it be weaponized?" A voice called out, breaking through all the other questions.

The crowd fell silent as a bald man with stern facial features and posture sat silently,patiently waiting for his answer. He was dressed neatly in a black suit, and instantly, the doctor grew several times more anxious than he was before. If he was scared before, the doctor was now on the verge of having a panic attack.

"I...um..." The Doctor stammered,tripping over his words. "My um...He is meant for domestic purposes, to bridge-"

"You said that already doctor. You're avoiding the question..." The man said, leaning forward. "I'll ask again. Can. It. Be. Weaponized?"

The doctor hesitated. The eye's of the world were literally upon him, with several broadcast drones hovering in the air. A hologram of the doctor was being projected above the several city sky scrapers which would usually be advertising different businesses, he could be seen all across Neo City.

He leaned forward toward the microphone,his mouth dry.

"Y-Yes. If the right adjustments are made, Zephyr 30-03-22 can be weaponized."

The crowd erupted with questions, so many that the doctor could not keep up with all of them.

"Will it be for sale to the military doctor?!"

"Does this mean the future of Akido Corporation is Military RnD?!"

"Does it have a combat directive?!"



"Doctor Roland!"

The amount of questions were overwhelming as his security escorted him off stage, his assistants wheeling his project back inside with him. Doctor Roland went on the following day to attend yet another meeting,only here,he was met with more of an outcry than praise.

"Your work is disgusting! You have created an abomination!" A man wearing a robe and a cross dangling across his neck yelled, a myriad of religious people yelling behind him, holding up signs which all yelled to the doctor being a blasphemous anti-christ supporter.

Roland had had his share of interviews for the week, and was exhausted. And an exhausted doctor Roland,was an irritable doctor Roland. An Irritable doctor Roland was quick to anger, with a tongue as sharp as a dagger.

"My work is revolutionary, and was, as I have said several times before,made to bridge the gap between man and machine,to create something wholly new."

"You play god! No one should have this kind of power! No one creates life except for the creator!"

Roland had enough.

"You accuse me of playing the role of a man who you don't even know exists?! I'm making history with my creation! What have you done with your life?! Preach to people about a god who has for the past, what, twelve millennia? More? Provided no proof of his existence? And you accuse me, a man of science and innovation, to play god, a man of fantasy and imagination?"

And so he would argue, his creation barraged with religious hocus pocus and groups arguing over whether or not he was the anti christ.

When he had finally returned,Roland let out a sigh, breathing easier now that he was no longer within the eye's of the world. He was in the safe confines of Akido Corporations, the large doors closing behind him. The white marble floors were lined with neon blue strobe lights which lit up the path toward the escalators. The High ceilings were decorated in white and a holographic image of Kiroshima Akido, the founder of Akido Corp, was projected above the ceiling. All around the doctor, were holographic projections of Akido corps accomplishments, advertising their feats and products. For years, Akido corp had been the lead pharmaceutical company for prosthetics and bio engineering, as well as partially partaking in some cybernetics.

It was founded by Kiroshima Akido in December of 2087, and had quickly become the worlds leading company for providing bionic products to soldiers or people with amputated limbs, as well as being the first company to develop the first functioning full-body augmentation. A cybernetic body which could replace a humans body while keeping their vital organs intact.

Now, almost a century later, the family legacy continued, with the company being run by his daughter, Akira Akido. She was an intelligent young woman, being one of the youngest owners of a multi trillion tile corporation across the globe at the ripe age of 18, soon to be 19 within a month.

The doctor found his way to the lab, where he sat down in his chair. The lab was split into two sections, the observation room, where the subject was placed, an airtight room, with softened walls, and a single doorway through which one could leave. The other section, was...well the lab, where all the devices and aparatus needed to analyze the subject was found. Microscopes, holotapes with which the doctor kept his log, a tray filled with scalpels and other surgical tools, a laptop with a holographic keyboard.

Recently, however,the doctor had installed a microphone, and speakers had been placed within the observation room. His subject was ready. He had worked almost his whole life for this.

He looked at his assistant, a beautiful brunette, hiding her emerald eye's behind a pair of glasses. She pushed her glasses up her nose bridge, clip board in hand as her lab coat traced the curves of her body.

"Alice," the doctor spoke.

Alice turned with a start, her face red. "Yes doctor?!"

"It's time" the doctor said.

"Wake him up."

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