"I can't really share why I was looking at that stuff," I say and am starting to panic.

"Peter, your heart rate seems to be raised outside of the approved times. Are you in need of assistance?" Karen asks from my watch and this makes everyone, including the two agents, go on high alert.

"What was that?" Agent Callen asks and I smile.

"That's just Karen. Karen, I'm fine but can you contact Dad about what's going?" I ask and my watch and Karen vibrates.

"Very well Peter. Your father has asked that you go with Agents Callen and Hanna for the time being so he can sort everything out," Karen says and I nod.

"Thanks, Karen," I say and feel her turn off.

"I guess I'm going with you," I say looking at the two agents again.

"Who was that?" Agent Hanna asks looking over me.

"That was Karen," I say with a smile.

"Where is she?" Agent Hanna asks and I laugh.

"She's an AI, she's in my watch," I say holding it up.

"How did you afford that Parker?" Comes Flash's voice and I wince, maybe showing them a watch that costs rent for my apartment for six months.

"She's an AI? Aren't those really rare and doesn't only Tony Stark have them?" Agent Callen asks and I nod.

"Yeah but I work there so he's having me test a new one he's been working on," I say and cringe when I hear almost everyone burst out laughing.

"Why is everyone laughing?" Agent Hanna asks and this causes everyone but Flash to stop laughing.

"Parker doesn't work at Stark Industries, he's lying again," Flash says and this causes the two agents to glare at me.

"Kid, you do know that lying to federal agents is a crime, right?" Agent Callen says and I nod.

"I know," I say and this causes the two agents to frown at me instead of glaring.

"Then why did you lie?" Agent Hanna asks and I smile.

"Because I really work there," I say and this causes Flash to laugh again.

"No matter if you work there or not, we need to take you in," Agent Callen says and I frown but nod.

I walk to the front of the classroom and Agent Hanna brings out a pair of cuffs.

"Do you really need to do that?" I ask and both the agent's nod.

"Sorry, it's procedure," Agent Hanna says.

"Hold out your hands," Agent Callen orders and I do so while my face flushes, I didn't feel too good being cuffed in front of my class.

From there, both agents walk me out of the door and into an unmarked car. I'm driven to a building with the FBI logo on the front. I'm taken out of the car and lead inside. As I pass, people look at me and there is a distrust in their eyes. I've never gotten this look before and it was really making me feel like a criminal.

"Wait in here," Agent Callen says opening the door to what looks like an interrogation room.

I'm lead to the metal table with a metal chair and Agent Hanna uncuffs one of my writs and re-cuffs it to a metal bar that's attached to the table.

"You have the right to remain silent. If you give up the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you desire an attorney and cannot afford one, an attorney will be obtained for you before police questioning. Do you understand these rights given to you?" Agent Callen says and asks and I nod.

Peter Parker One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now