1.0: no more fun

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edited and revised

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edited and revised.


"Jinie oppa~ c-can you help me with this?" The melon short haired girl gestures to a question on a white paper. She makes big puppy eyes with a small pout.

"Sure. What don't you understand?" The broad shouldered male asked with a smile. "W-well..you see-"

Kim Seokjin.

The Seoul Private University's most handsome male in campus. Is a well known for his looks as well as his kindness. Everybody loves him.

And everybody, boys and girls, had crushes on him. But he would always turn them down when they confessed in the most sweetest way.

He was the student role model for everyone, he was nice, very smart, funny and not to mention handsome.

But little did they know what he actually hides behind all those fake smiles. Just pure ___.
(I'll let you fill in the blank. *evilly laughs*)

"Thanks oppa! You're such an angel!" The girl says as she hugs her notebook to her chest. "No problem." Jin said with a smile.

"Uuggh there he goes again. Helping everyone around him." The brown haired male said to the short blonde. "Well, that's Jin Hyung for ya."

Ding, Dong, Ding, Dong.

"Jimin, Gguk! Let's go get lunch. I'm hungry as fuck." Seokjin said while dramatically hugging his stomach.

"Okay, let's go." Jimin agreed as he stuffed his notebooks, pen and pencils into his black bookbag. By the time he was done, Jeongguk and Seokjin were already walking out the room.

"YAH, wait for me you jerks!"

After Jimin catched up with the two, the three men go into the food court, and stand in line for food. They joked around and talked about random things while waiting.

Once they got their lunch, they walked to their usual table, getting greeted by three other males who were already eating.

"Yo! Mr. Worldwide! How was Mathematics?" The red head with a heart-shaped smile asked.

Jin only sighed and he took a seat next to a tall blonde. "It was alright I guess. I'm absolutely worn out. No shit. I slept like at 2am!" The elder says as he brutally shoved a spoon full of sliced strawberries in his mouth.

All three of the five males at the table laughed, and the other two looked at the poor sliced strawberries worriedly.

"Hyung, rumors have it that the SPU is excepting a new student tomorrow." Jeongguk updated the group.

"Oooooohhhhh yeahhhhhh!" The red head shouts as he banged on the table. All five friends made confused faces at him.

"I forgot to tell you idiots that my childhood friend is moving here at Seoul from Dengu. He's gonna start class tomorrow!" Hoseok beamed.

"Oh, I see. What's his name again? Min Yoon-Yoonji?" Taehyung said confused.

"Min Yoongi, you dumbfuck. But anyway, all you fuckers better be nice to my Yoongs or y'all won't see daylight ever again." The red head threatens.

"Yah! Don't get so worked up Hobi, it's not like we're gonna eat him." Namjoon said with a light chuckle. "Joonie Hyung is right, we don't bite." Jimin said with a grin.

Hoseok looked at them with sketchy eyes. "Y'all better." He mumbles.

"Anyway, what's this Min Yoongi like Hyung?" The youngest of the group asked. "I'm glad you asked Gguk," the red head got comfortable in his seat and leaned on the table.

The other five males got curious and leaned in waiting. "First off, he's so small. Smaller than this midget over here." Hoseok gestures to the blonde. "Yah! I'm not a midget! You fuckers are just too tall!" Jimin barked.

"Whatever shortie. Okay, second of all, he's such a bitch. His personality is bitchy and cold, and it doesn't match his appearance all. He looks so small, and adorable! I could literally put him in my pocket!" Hoseok talks to the guys.

"Wow. That's unexpected." Taehyung says as he takes a bite from his sandwich.

"Aside from that, he's pretty chill. He loves music, and is fun to be around with. He can be a little prick sometimes, but I still love him." Hoseok said with a heart shaped smile.

"Well, I can't wait to meet him tomorrow. He sounds like fun." Jeongguk says. All the other males hummed in agreement.

"We have ten more minutes left of lunch. Let's hurry up and eat." The oldest of all men suggests. "Okay!" The five guys at the table said in sync.


The wind blew softly as the tall male stood beside the traffic post. He waits patiently for the walking signal on the opposite end to flash white. His dark eyes stared blankly at the road before him. The male didn't feel like driving home, so he called off his chauffeur.

He looks up and started his way across the street when the sign flashed white.

The male opened the door to his apartment and walked inside, throwing his shoes and bag to the side and walking into the living room. He turns on the TV and walks into his kitchen, washing his hands and setting out a cutting board and a sharp knife to the side.

"Just yesterday, 21 year old Shin Ai Yu was found dead in her apartment in xxx St. in Seoul. Detectives say, that Shin Ai Yu committed suicide at-" Jin lowered the sound with the TV control.

He stood in front of the television with a pout. He sighed loudly as he scratched his head lightly. "Well, looks like my fun just ended herself yesterday." He said with a low chuckle.

"Now I have to find someone else. Damn it." He cursed.

"People these days are just boring. They're all weak, useless and boring." He said while he walked into the kitchen.

"It is considered that the young woman was being stalked by an anonymous person. Detectives believe that this was what lead Miss Shin to commit suicide.

I'd advise anyone who is watching to stay safe and report anyone who seems suspicious."

No proofread.
A/n: Hello my Loves! Hope y'all enjoyed this chap.

Is it interesting? I hope it is- *rip*

Have a good day! Thx for reading Petals!

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