Chapter 163

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*Warning: Mature Content*

Satisfied with the sight of Nik playing with the girls, I head inside, finding Rebekah chatting with Elijah. They pause to face me as I enter. I come to a stop in the door jamb looking between the two awkwardly.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything."

"Of course not," Elijah says, a smile on his lips. "Rebekah and I were just discussing our next step."

"Oh?" I raise my eyebrows, stepping into the room. "And what would that be?"

I feel my stomach tighten. I guess I never really considered what would happen once I got them back. I never thought that they would leave because I couldn't focus on anything other than getting them back. I guess this is something we all need to consider.

"Now that our brother has found his noble purpose, I am curious as to where we go from here," Rebekah says.

"Let's give him the day with his daughters. Tomorrow we seek sanctuary elsewhere."

"We? As in all of us?" I ask.


Rebekah cuts him off, rising to her feet.

"That's not what I meant, is it? You're no longer tethered to him. You're not 'his girl' like Felicity here. You must have thought about it. So what will you do with your immortality, now you're not burdened with saving Nik's soul."

I go to speak but am caught short when considering her words. I want to hear what he has to say because at the end of the day, if they want to leave, I can't stop them. I don't know what Nik and I will do or where we will go from here but it's just something we're gonna have to figure out.

"I don't know. And what of you? Do you still desire a family of your own?"

"Well, true love continues to elude me. Though certainly there's an app for that now."

"It's called Tinder. I can set you up if you like," I wink. She chuckles but there's a clear sadness in her eyes that both Elijah and I notice.

"I am sorry. I know the way you felt about Marcel."

"We have the opportunity for a fresh start. Perhaps we should all use this one quiet day to decide what we want our new beginning to be."

She rests her hand on my shoulder before leaving the room, leaving me with Elijah. He's lost in his own thoughts but soon turns to face me.

"She's right you know," I sigh, crossing my arms.

"A day of peace is needed. You deserve that much."

"I'm not sure I deserve anything anymore. I used to think that some people just deserve a bit of luck or a hint of happiness, but then I lost you all and I realised that life doesn't always give you what you deserve. So yes, I'd sure as hell like this one day of peace, but if tomorrow everyone is planning on uprooting, then it's an issue that needs to be dealt with today."

I take a deep breath, Elijah's eyes tightening as he looks down at the rug.

"You're a strong woman, Felicity." He steps to me, resting his hand on my shoulder. "But please, don't worry about what tomorrow will bring. Focus on today, the here and now. We may be immortal but time is fleeting. Don't waste it worrying about us. Just be happy."

"I am happy, Elijah. I am," I say, my voice softer than it was before. The sound of the front door opening and closing, followed closely by the footsteps I've come to recognise over these past few years, breaks the tension. "That'll be Hayley. Now you go be happy."

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