Chapter 92

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Having been informed by Hayley and Marcel that Finn knew of the whereabouts and survival of my baby girl, it's safe to say I was worried.

I had spent the day trying to busy myself, certain that Elijah would protect her with his life. But that's what worried me. If Finn managed to take down Elijah, all that stood in his way was Cami, and I don't think Cami would be much of a threat to him.

Klaus spent the day working with Kol and a new bodied Rebekah trying to make Finn mortal to give Elijah a better chance. All that I could do now was wait. And I was sick of waiting.

I throw my hair into a messy bun and grab a bag from our closet, throwing in a few tops, jeans and sweaters. I try to ignore the sound of Klaus's footsteps, throwing some underwear into the bag.

"Felicity. What do you think you're doing?"

I sigh and move onto another drawer.

"Elijah said they're on the road. So, I'm going to go to them and get our daughter."


"No Nik. Don't tell me that it's not safe! Blowing up a house just to keep your evil brother from finding her isn't safe but it happened anyway."

"We will deal with Finn."

"And then what!?" I shout my voice becoming wobbly as I begin to loose it. "Every time we kill him, he'll just jump into another body. I'm tired Nik. I'm so tired of all of this."

He steps closer to me, taking the bag from my hands and throwing it on the bed before sliding his hands into mine.

"I know love. I know. But we've tried running. We've tried hiding. Neither will work."

"So what do we do? This is becoming ridiculous but what's more ridiculous is that I'm only just figuring that out!"

He dips his head, bending down to meet my eyes. His thumbs stroke my skin as I try my best to calm down, focussing on my breathing and the feel of Klaus's skin on mine.

"As it happens, I am working on a plan as we speak. One which will be bolstered greatly if you just calm down and keep your eye on the prize. I know you can do this love, I just need you to keep your head on straight and stick with me."

I glare at him and his insinuations.

"I'm not mad Klaus. Don't make me out to be this helpless woman who can't think for herself."

He chuckles and softens his voice.

"I would never. We both know that's far from the truth."

"You're damn right it is." I jest, plumping out my bottom lip in a pout. I free my hands from his and throw them in the air. "Well what's this grand plan you're on about?"

"Your sister's getting married today. An act which will seal the loyalty of all the wolves that answer to Finn. You and Hayley will be queens to an army."

I roll my eyes knowing that my relationship with the crescent wolves is a pretty shit one.

"Please. The only queen they will answer to is Hayley. I'm some hybrid freak in their eyes."

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