Chapter 155

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I rush around collecting empty bottles of whisky. Cami's wake's in full swing, a lot more people than I had hoped for turned up which is great, but Hayley and I hadn't planned for this many people.

It's been about a week and a half since I came back from the dead and it's weird to say, but things kind of slotted back into place. I wouldn't say everything is normal, because when is my life ever normal? But everything seemed to pick up where we left off.

Hayley and I cried in each other's arms when we reunited and she basically told me that I'm not allowed to die before her ever again. I agreed that it's only fair given that I've died before her twice now. She helped me arrange Cami's funeral and even walked with Klaus, Elijah and I for the procession. I'm grateful for her support, though the hand holding between her and Elijah didn't go unnoticed.

I make my way through the people, resisting the urge to sway my hips to the jazz. I place the empty whisky glasses down on the table, pushing loose curls from my face. I rest a hand on my stomach, the baby feeling as though it's doing flips inside of me.

"Okay, you guys are doing a great job, but we can't run out of whiskey at an Irish wake, it's like the one rule, okay? Whiskey is important." The caterers nod in agreement, one of them rushing off to find more alcohol. "Man, I wish I could have some whiskey," I mumble, jumping in surprise as an arm falls over my shoulder.

"Whiskey is important." Hayley chuckles next to me. "Not long now and you'll be able to have some."

I place my hand on my stomach as we walk from the kitchen.

"I'm gonna start by having a whole bottle to myself." An elderly lady looks me over with a look of disgust. "I'm just kidding!"

"Forget about them." Hayley scoffs. "They don't know what it's like to be pregnant with a Hybrid baby, only to die and then come back to life."

I stare at Hayley with wide eyes before we both burst into a fit of giggles.

"My god, that does sound dramatic, doesn't it?"

"Well, if you can't laugh about this stuff, you're gonna cry," she turns to Cami's coffin, "and I think we've all done enough crying for one day."

"Thank you for your help with all this. Cami would have loved it."

"No," she shakes her head, "she would have hated all the attention but she would have loved the party."

I nod in agreement, my eyes roaming over to Klaus who stands beside Cami's coffin, a contemplative look in his eyes. Hayley follows my gaze, crossing her arms as she sighs.

"How is he?"

"He's alright. I mean, we both feel guilty about what happened to her but I just try to remind him that Cami wouldn't want it that way. God knows how he would be if I'd stayed dead."

"Don't even think about it. She really wouldn't have. You two meant a lot to her. I think she admired you in ways. She wouldn't want you suffering."

"Try telling Nik that." I smile, knowing Cami would be chuckling in her grave at my boyfriend's stubbornness. Moving through the crowd, I notice Will walking to the coffin. He see's Klaus and asks him something and I can practically hear Klaus sigh from across the room. "Excuse me."

Hayley nods, so I walk over to them both, wrapping my hand around Klaus's waist.

"Honey, is everything alright?"

Honey? Since when did I call Klaus honey!? I bite back a smile as Klaus flashes his confused eyes in my direction. He wraps a hand around my waist in return and I place my hand on my bump.

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