The two smiled, and Sans laughed a bit as he held up his shot in a salute, "The hottest, Grillby."

Finally Grillby let out a laugh, and Sans embellished the moment with a smile as he drank.

He took note of listening more to Grillby, and tried to think of better things to talk about than Frisk.

But for some reason... Sans just couldn't seem to get Frisk out of his mind.

Even though he wanted to.

It was Friday.

Johnathan opened the door to his daughter's room, and he peeked inside to make sure she was asleep.

His eyes blinked at the sight of how much pink filled the room, and he struggled to find Arianna's head under all the stuffed animals.

But there she was, her face wearing a smile that hid under the pink blanket, reaching her chin. 

Johnathan felt his heart warm, and he gave a smile as he pulled the door quietly shut. 

Not only two seconds after, Johnathan heard a tiny voice call from inside the room, calling softly, "Papa?"

He stopped, and looked at the door. He opened it again slowly and peeked once more inside, his figure large compared to the door frame he stood in, his eyes suddenly softer than they had ever been before, and he looked at his daughter who was sitting up in her bed. He cooed back, "Yes sweet-pea?"

The child rubbed her eyes and mumbled, "I want a glass of water..."

Johnathan nodded gently, and he smiled with the reply, "Alright sweet-pea, I'll get you a drink of water, hang tight."

With that he turned and headed down the hallway, into the kitchen where he found a cup ready to go on the table. He took it in his cold hands and moved it to the faucet, turning it on and watching the water flow into the cup.

As he watched the water pore, his ears stayed alert, and suddenly he heard the small click of a familiar coin he had heard many times before.

Unsure of what the sound was at first, Johnathan whipped around to face the living room (which was connected to the kitchen) and he grabbed out his gun from his back pocket, (finding himself never without one).

He pointed it into the darkness, and his face turned back to stone, his eyes cold and glaring.

Instead of speaking, Johnathan waited for the other person to make another sound, and he felt the water pour over his hand as the cup over flowed. Yet he wouldn't break his gaze.

Capture stepped forward into the light of the kitchen, a grin plastered across his face with the coin glistening in the light. He looked at Johnathan in amusement and said, "Do you dare to shoot me, Johnathan?"

Lowering the gun, Johnathan kept his expression and shut off the faucet, setting the cup on the counter before turning back to Capture with a snarl.

"What do you want?" He asked quietly, hoping Arianna couldn't hear them.

Picking up on this, Capture moved his voice to be softer as he replied, "I was only checking in, and I'm glad I did. I wanted to make sure you were getting ready to receive Frisk and not... Getting water for your... little girl..."

A wicked smile crossed Capture's face, and Johnathan narrowed his eyes as he said, "I'm working on it. After this I'll be getting ready to leave, and Frisk will be with you in no time."

"I should hope so..." Capture said, walking closer to the cup of water. Johnathan almost stopped him, scared of what the crime lord would do. "Because if not... This could be the last cup of water Arianna drinks..."

Johnathan took the cup in his hands and nodded, grumbling, "Be patient, I'll get it done."

Capture glared, still smiling, "I'm not patient. But I trust you will."

He turned and walked out of the kitchen and back into the living room, grabbing a hold of the library books Johnathan left on the coffee table. 

"Thank you for getting these for me," he said, smiling as he moved to the door. "They will come in handy."

The door shut, signalling Capture's leave.

Arianna called once more for Johnathan, and he waited only a second longer before turning and bringing the cup to her.

"Were you talking to someone...?" Arianna asked as she took large gulps of water.

Johnathan shook his head and when she finished, he took the cup from her and smiled, replying, "No, sweet-pea. I wasn't talking to anyone."

Arianna nodded and laid down to rest again.

Johnathan watched her for a moment before heading out of the room.

And after he succeeded, he would never have to talk to that person again.



Two chapters in a row because I'm feeling determined!

I know I'm a bit rusty (I apologize) and I highly recommend re-reading the book to understand or catch on to things that may have been missed. (Thats what I had to do.)

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

And thank you all again for the support!




Thank you for reading!

Mafiatale - An Eye For An Eye (SansxFrisk)Where stories live. Discover now