♥the truth♥

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Y/N's POV 

I nervously stammer a bit before responding to them, "before I agree what do you do? And I know it's something bad" all of them look at Taeyong as he walks forward to explain "we are NCT" I gasp in shock but try to hide my reaction. 

They are the team my parents want to put in jail, they steal expensive cars and sell them. I shake my head, they can't know i'm the daughter of a cop or otherwise who knows what they will do to me "NCT?" Taeyong looks at me with a worried expression. "What have you heard of us," Kun says walking behind me. "Well only on the news" I come up with an excuse, "well the news is lying to you" Yangyang says getting himself some water.

"Yeah we take cars rare ones and sell them the news makes us seem like bad people," Jungwoo says chuckling I nod having a somewhat better understanding of what they do. "So you are criminals?" they all chuckle "that's what people think" I furrow my eyebrows "we 'steal' these cars because they are so rare meaning that the people who bought them bought them with bribes and all sorts of illegal stuff" Doyoung finishes off.

I nod "but who keeps them" they look at each other "rich people who want a collection or people who buy them with their own money, not with bribes and lies" Jungwoo adds in nothing make sense but, they probably want me to join since I saw what they did tonight. 

"We have different units who take care of different fields" Xiaojun begins to explain. "There's NCT127 they steal the cars, NCTU they usually do both the works of 127 and Dream other times they work on finding out where the cars are being kept. Then there's NCT DREAM and they specialize in making blueprints and easy ways to break into where the cars are kept. " Xiaojun smiles brightly. "And finally we have the best unit of all time WAYV I belong to that one you see and we hack into everything from cameras to computers we are sometimes dispatched to china to get some information on some of the cars that are being built." I nod so that's how they work so well together. 

"Though some of us are assigned to more than one unit like Mark and Haechan" Winwin finishes what Xiaojun forgot to say.

Jeno takes the blueprints that were just sent in "Hyung. The blueprint for the Kim family have been finalized" Taeyong nods and puts it aside as he walks towards me. I look over at Jaehyun, Ten, and Jisung who have hope in their eyes that I will join them.

He sits down next to me "it's fine if you don't want to be involved" I sigh it's a lot to take in "but the rest of the members want me to be a part of this" his smile turns into a frown " y/n I want you safe "I rest my head on his shoulder. I want to join them but yet I risk leading my parents right to them. 

I look at the clock, it's way past midnight, I get up to leave with Taeyong trailing after me "I have to go now" he nods opening the car for me while the rest of the NCT members wave me goodbye. Lucas walks up to us "make a decision by tomorrow" I nod as Taeyong drives off. 

He stops the car near my house and faces me, "y/n just know I will be fine with whatever decision you make" I smile and nod at him as he presses his lips on mine. 

It's so sudden I blush a deep red but eventually kiss him back my mind wanted to kiss him back though it was wrong since it's only been one day, once we break free I get off the car trying to process what had just happened "bye Taeyong "I have nodded and drives off. 

I open the door and my parents are waiting for me sitting in the kitchen worried sick "y / n !! it's late" I nod as my mom hugs me "Sorry Joohyun and I got caught up watching movies and forgot about the time" she smiles at me as she leads me to my room. 

"Me and your father would be working late" my smile fades as I remember what NCT said, "do you have a lead yet?" I ask kinda hoping they don't she smiles and nods "yes they stole a car from the Lee family and I think they are coming for the Kim family later this night" my heart starts racing.

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