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"Ok now we are going to go to my work. When we get there we are going to meet a lovely lady named Trudy Platt." Hank started as he did up Camille's coat and put her boots on. " I will be gone for a few minuets but then I will be back. Then you can come meet my Friends"

"Trudy this is Camille. Camille this is Trudy, A good friend of mine." Hank said.
"It's nice to finally meet you Camille"
Camille smiled shyly. "Hello Miss Trudy. Hey! My mommy has A picture of you"
"does she? Well me and your Mom were very Good friends" Platt smiled. "How about you come with me while Mister Hank Catches up with his work."
Camille was a bit reluctant but finally said "okay"

"What have we Got?" Voight said taking the steps 2 at a time.
"Sarge where have you been?" Ruzek asked.
"Fill me in first" Hank said. So they told him about the Drug chain and how all they know is it comes from Mexico, possibly splits along the way and most likely splits at Chicago as well. They said it goes to Canada and they aren't sure but they know it's heading over to the east coast.
"Okay good work. I need you guys looking for witnesses. Halstead, Upton you two Contact the guy in St Louis, Burgess Atwater, find out what you can about the guy in New Mexico. Look for previous Convictions, anything. Rojas, Ruzek,  find out where this Pablo guy is."
"Okay but sarge why were you in New York?" Atwater risked.
Hank sighed, he'd momentarily forgot about Camille. "I'd like you to meet someone, a friend."

"Thanks Trudy." Hank said. "Ok Camille remember what I said, you can't mention the pictures in your Mom's room okay?"
"Good. Now if you come upstairs I'll introduce you to my Friends."

"Guys. This is Camille. She will be staying with me for a little bit" Hank said entering the Bullpen.
"Hello Camille. It's very nice to meet you" Kim said Crouching down to her level.
"Hi" Camille said shyly. She was suddenly overwhelmed by all these people.
"Hi. I'm Kevin" Kevin said.
Ruzek, Rojas and Upton introduced themselves while Jay stated at Hank. There was something going on and he could tell.
Last of all Jay went. He crouched down to Camille's eye level. "Hey Camille. I'm Jay. Welcome to the 21st" he smiled. Something about her was familiar. Not just the fact that it was the name of Hank's deceased wife, but  She had a slight smile that reminded him of someone.
"Okay get to work" Hank said. "Hey Camille I have a special task I need you to do" he said leading her to the break room. "I need you to draw the men you saw. Could you do that for me?"
Camille nodded. She had gone quiet but was pleased to do anything she could for Hank.
"Voight Can I speak to you for a moment? Your office?" Jay asked from the door of the break room.
"What is it?" Hank said once they were inside the office, door closed.
"How come she's staying with you, what's the situation and why her and New York?" Jay Questioned.
Hank sighed, he seemed to be doing that alot. " Her Mom's Missing. NYPD contacted me because I knew Her Mom. One of my Ex CI's who moved to New York." Hank said. Very Vaguely.
"What about the child's Father?" Jay asked arms crossed.
"The Child's Father doesn't know about her, he doesn't live near them" Hank replied.
"how come  the child's Father doesn't know?" Jay started to get agitated.
"I don't know Jay" Hank lied. "you'd have to ask the child's mother. And they are not sure who the father is."
"Why don't they do a DNA match or something?" Jay asked.
" ' you have any idea how many people there are, you Can't just knock on people's door's asking for their DNA"
"Doesn't he have a right to know?"
"Why does it concern you Jay?"
"It doesn't but the Child has a right to see her parent doesn't she?"
"Maybe the father wouldn't want her or is abusive?!" Hank threw back. "Besides. I never knew you to be so concerned about a CI's child "
"I'm sorry. Ok. But it just feels different. I mean she's what, only 2 or 3?"
"2 and a half"
"Ok so how do you think she feels in a new city with no one she knows?"
"I know Jay, I know. I'm trying to keep the visit short, so is NYPD. In no more than a week she should hopefully be back with her Mom."
Jay sighed. He never felt this strongly about a case, unless it involved one of their own.
"How close were you and this CI?"
"I knew Her well. Close enough for them to contact me." Hank said. "Now go get on with the case or if you want you  can talk with Camille. Like you said, she's probably scared."
"AND DON'T GO LOOKING AT MY CI FILES'S!" Hank called after Jay.
Jay went back to his desk to look into the case. He badly wanted to look into the Girl but yet he didn't want to get on Voight's bad side. At the moment, He was on thin Ice.

Every now and again the members of the Unit took turns supervising Camille. They didn't mind, Camille was starting to warm up to them and she was a sweet child, Bubbly and full of mischief.
Also they all knew Voight had more information then he's was letting on. They wanted to find out what it was but it was no use. Voight had prepped Camille pretty well.

For lunch Burgess Grabbed them a sandwiches, they were all working pretty hard and Jay needed a break so he went to chat to Camille while having lunch. Maybe then he'd learn more about this Girl.
Upton was in there so he gave her a 'I'll-watch-you-go' nod.
"So Camille, Is New york nice, where you live?"
"No, yes, a bit. It's loud and noisy.  lots of people." She said.
"What is your Mom like, is she nice?" Jay asked before taking a bite of his sandwhich.
"Yes, she's nice. She had pictures of-" Camille stopped herself. Hank had been firm and she didn't want to upset him but she couldn't understand why she couldn't tell them. "Pictures of what?" Jay prompted. But Camille wasn't going to answer. She'd been raised a good girl and telling people's secrets or surprises was bad. Jay watched her carefully. Her Mousey Brown hair hung just passed her ears. Her expression set serious. She looked familiar - the expression looked familiar but he didn't know who or where he recognised it from. Maybe he had met Hank's CI. He ate a few more bites.
Voight entered. "Here's some lunch for Camille." He sat a box of pasta down infront of her. His own sandwich in his other hand. They all sat in a slightly uncomfortable silence while they ate their lunch.
"So miss Camille." Jay started after a while, his lunch now finished. "is mister Hank being nice to you?"
Camille nodded. "Mister Hank had been very kind" she said, mouth half full of pasta.
"Are you sure your not just saying that because he's here?" Jay chuckled. Camille shook her head. The atmosphere in the room lighter. Jay asked A few more questions about New York, and what Camille liked to do, her favourite book, colour, food. He discovered they both liked the Same food. Hank talked here and there as well. "So what have you drawn?" Jay asked looking at Camille's drawings.
"That's Mommy" she said. "That's Mister Hank" she pointed to the drawings. "That's the men Mommy were with" she pointed to the drawing of the men. "That's Miss Katie. She looks after me"
"And who's this?" Jay asked pointing to the last picture, one of a woman and a child. "That's aunty Olive and Daniel. They sometimes visit. They're nice."
"Wait. Aunty Olive?" Jay Backed up, looking suspiciously at Hank. Wasn't that his Daughter in Law? "Voight?" Jay Questioned. Hank was kicking himself, he hadn't realised they'd visited. Suddenly it clicked for Jay. He Knew who Camille reminded him of. A dozen things flew through his mind. "Voight we need to talk." Jays tone was serious. He had taken a liking to Camille but this blew him back a bit. "Now"
"Did I do something wrong?" Camille looked like she was about to cry.
"No, you did nothing wrong. I just forgot to mention some stuff" Hank said. "I think it's fine for your nap." He picked Camille up and Layed her down in a travel cot he had brought. Camille was out like a light. And in no time at all he and Halstead were in his office.

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