Chapter 19: Godslayers

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Hey guys, I hope everyone is having a good day/night. I'm going to make the fight scene as short as possible since I'm pretty sure most of you guys find the fighting boring. Anyway, thank you for reading my story. Hope you enjoy <3

"Answer me!" You commanded

You suddenly see a blast of black fire headed towards you but was soon put out by Natsu who blocked it with his own fire, " She asked you a question, now answer. Or else we'll beat it out of you."

" Don't get cocky now salamander." Zancrow snickered.

Orga got closer to your face, smirking as you continued to glare at him, " Why would I tell you without anything in return?"

You grew impatient, finally punching him in the gut which sent him flying into a building destroying it.

Again, another black fire attack was heading for you but luckily Natsu blocked it on time, " Your fight is with me, buddy."

Natsu gave you a nod as a signal that he's gonna take down Zancrow.

You returned the nod and walked toward the broken building where you see Orga standing up with scratches on him, " Are you upset because you don't have your egotistical twins with you?"

" Are you upset cause we got you kicked out of the guild?" You mocked making his smirk turned into a frown which led him to shoot a storm of black lighting towards you.

Slightly smirking, you create a border around you to deflect his lighting, "Did I hit a nerve?"

" Cockiness isn't a pretty color on you baby girl." He rushed towards you and managed to punch you which made you slide across the floor.

You quickly caught your balance, " You landed a hit on me. Impressive. Hope you enjoyed it cause it's not gonna happen again. Sun dragon explosion."

You lifted your hand so one of your palms is facing Orga. Small balls of sunlight surrounded him all over the place and one by one, they started blowing up, throwing him in the air.

You saw cuts on him as he started to fall which meant he's taking damage. Before he hit the ground, you punched him, making him destroy a house.

You walked closer to him where he was about to stand up but you clapped your hands together once releasing a wave of heat and light around the two of you, " Sun Dragon Dawn Emission."

He began suffocating to the point where he started coughing blood. You kneeled in front of him, " I'll ask this one more time. Where are Sting and Rogue?!"

Your eyes were filled with rage. Your best friends are missing and you blamed it on yourself. They never would've been in trouble if you wouldn't have left the guild or at least visit Sabertooth more.

You suddenly feel a grip on your wrist, 'Crap.' Orga pinned you to the ground, he had an extremely strong grip on your wrists. You let down your guard.

You were about to knee his groin to get him off but he did a quick motion. He was now holding both of your wrists with on hand and held down your leg with the other.

" Sting and Rogue don't deserve you. They're too weak to take care of a woman like you, but I on the other hand... " He snickered as he got close to your face but went down to your neck. You could feel his disgusting breath on you.

You started moving around, hoping to get free but his grip only got stronger. You began grunting from the displeasure as you felt his lips on your neck.

You felt a wave of flames fly pass you. Opening your eyes, you saw Natsu. Orga slid across the floor, crashing into a wall.

Natsu helped you up and hugged you tightly, "Are you okay?"

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