Chapter 11: Just a Dream

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What's up guys ^-^ Thank you for reading up to this far. I'm sure this is the moment (the Grand magic games ending) some of you have been waiting for (I'm sure that's not it. I bet most of you are just waiting for a kiss to happen)
Anyway, thank you for the patience but it will be worth it. Also ignore the fact that Juvia is in the picture above, just pretend it's Natsu. Hope you enjoy the chapter! :)

It finally turned night and you were all healed from your injuries of the battles, thanks to your healing.

All of the five team members of Fairy tail just ran into Sting. Wandering around Crocus, you were watching from the lacrima vision.

All the fairytail members were in no condition to fight or even walk well for that matter. Sting in the other hand had been hiding out for the entire battles, waiting for all five members.

You were walking by the river, looking up at the night sky with a luminous full moon. Thinking about the fight between you and Natsu.

Looking into the lacrima vision, there was Sting with all five members, " With those injuries, one on one will be boring."

Erza stepped up, " Do not underestimate us, ask your comrades."

" Wouldn't dream of it. I'm trying to treat you with the respect you deserve. That's why I'll destroy you all together. I'll show you how strong I've become, I'll do it for Lector!" Sting replied

You turned away and sighed.

"(Y/n)." Said a voice behind you, turning around, you see Summer flying next to you.

"Oh... Hey summer." You nervously laughed, looking up at her.

"Mind explaining what happened during the fight? Why'd you let Natsu win? You could've won if you didn't pretend to be unconscious and actually fight him."

"You could tell?"

Summer nodded her head.

With a long sigh, you looked into the river, " I don't know summer... I just didn't want to fight him anymore."

Summer flew in front of you so you looked up at her, " Unbelievable, you put Sabertooth's first place spot on the line because you didn't want to fight him anymore? What happened to 'I'm fighting Natsu tomorrow guys' 'I can beat that dragon slayer easily'  Have you forgotten about helping Sting to win the games to get Lector back. If Sting doesn't pull this off then we're never going to see Lector again. Of course, you don't care because you didn't want to fight Natsu. What did I really expect though from that accident between you and Natsu, it looked like the two of you were about to-"

"I KNOW!" You shouted frustratedly but briefly calmed down, " Ok! I know what it looked like and I haven't forgotten about Sting and Lector. I just.... I couldn't fight him anymore. I don't know what came over me, I just couldn't. I've been trying to look for Lector though, so don't think I forgot about him."

There was a long pause afterwards, " I'm sorry (y/n). I shouldn't have said that. I know you're trying to figure out what to do with your life right now. I shouldn't have been putting more pressure on you."

"It's fine Summer. I'd appreciate it if you helped me look for Lector though."

" I'll search from the sky, but listen, I know things are changing, so I'll do my best to support you from now on." Summer hugged your arm and you hugged her back with your other hand.

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