11 | Detention Buddies

Start from the beginning

I take a huge breath before asking, "What was everything he said, Jack? What was it that made you decide to tell me?"

"Remember not to shoot the messenger, Lyn," he reiterates.

"Spit it the fuck out," I snap.

He sighs, most likely regretting saying anything at all, but answers me anyway. "Because of who he cheated with."

I widen my eyes. I hadn't even thought of that part, it didn't cross my mind. Partly because I don't want to be the type of person who blames the other woman in the scenario instead of the man who was supposed to be loyal. Mostly because I still can't process that any of this is happening right now.

I really thought we would be okay.

"Jack," I call out, noticing how the phone went silent after he spoke. "Who's the girl?"

"Lyn, I'm so sorry... but it's Jessica."

Thank God I was leaning against the wall, because I immediately slide down it and have to sit from the shock.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I shout into the phone.

"I wish I was."

I can hear the regret in his voice, so I take a moment in my mind to praise him for his morals, because now I have a million questions as to how that even happened.

"How?" Is all I can manage.

"Apparently they got closer after you left, and things just went on from there," Jack explains. "It sounds sick that they bonded over you and ended up messing around, but you needed to know. It wasn't just a boyfriend cheating and realizing he messed up... it was your best friend going along with it. And they both were going to pretend it didn't happen. But they're still talking. It can just be innocent, I don't know, but as someone who's been betrayed that way, I couldn't not tell you."

I take in what he said, remembering last year when Liam told me Jack's girlfriend cheated with his cousin. Not the same as a best friend, but maybe that's worse because it was family. Either way, it fucking sucks.

The bell rings, signalling that class is over.

"Oh shit, you're in school?"

"Uh, yeah, they have those here," I say, attempting to make a joke.

"I'm sorry, Lyn. We had off today, I figured you did too. I wouldn't have asked you to call me if I knew."

"No, no, it's fine... it's all fine," I insist, though we both know none of this is fucking fine.

"I'm gonna let you get back to it, Lyn. Don't skip class," he says sternly, having always taken school as seriously as I did.

"Wait," I quickly call out. "Does Liam know?"

"Does Liam know..." he repeats, before understanding. "Oh. No. Not yet. I'm supposed to see him at a BBQ tonight. I'm gonna let him know I told you. Honestly, I think he kind of already knew I'd have trouble keeping quiet."

"No, don't tell him."


"You don't need to be involved in this anymore. I'll handle it from here," I say firmly, leaving no room for argument. "Thank you for telling me."

"Good luck, Lyn," he says as goodbye.

We end the call, and right then and there, I know this is the first step in ending all Beach Way High School ties.


I raise my head from my arms, having been sitting against the wall for almost ten minutes now, trying to stop myself from crying.

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