07 | Roll Up

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Roll Up

Any talk about Jalen and rumors ceased after Daniel's cryptic response.

He annoyingly clang to his idea of it being wrong to speak about the dark blue eyed boy without him being there to defend himself, making me actually wish his annoying twin David was here instead. He seems like he'd spill all the beans.

But, alas, Daniel isn't saying shit, so we switch the topic to general things, such as our new school Arlin Preparatory High School.

"You know, you don't have to keep saying the school name in full," Daniel says to me. "Everyone just calls it Arlin."

Everyone meaning all of his snobby rich kid friends. Do I really want to be just like them? Yeah, no thanks.

Instead of saying that, though, I choose to smile at him and keep my mouth shut.

"What's a regular day in Arlin look like?" Noah asks, of course quickly adapting to their slang.

"Honestly, it's just like any other school," Daniel responds as he takes another sip of water. He sees our skeptical looks, so he adds, "Well, educational wise, it's the same. The classes are similar to public schools. They swear we have better teachers and harder work, and, well, that may be true, I don't know. I've only ever gone to Arlin." He lets out a chuckle at that, making me wonder how he is still so down to earth if that's the case.

"I don't really give a fuck about the classes or teachers," Noah says as he waves his hand dismissively. "I wanna know about their sports teams."

"And how good they are," I clarify.

"We have really great sports teams," Daniel boosts. "I'm on the football team, actually. We've won the national championship three years in a row. I'm hoping we get our fourth, and set the record for most wins for Arlin for my last year."

"Cool," Noah says in awe. "What position do you play?"

"I'm the quarterback."

My eyes widen slightly, both shocked and extremely impressed by that revelation. Daniel didn't strike me as the typical jock, and most certainly didn't seem like the star quarterback, arguably the most important and popular position. Isaac Wilson was the quarterback at Beach Way, and he embodied every fucking stereotype that came with the title. Daniel's nothing like him. Unless...

"How are the cheerleaders?" I ask as a segway into my next question.

"They're great, too," he compliments, sounding proud. "They compete in cheering competitions, and they won first place last year. It was actually a really big deal seeing as that was our head cheerleader's first year leading, and she did it perfectly."

Wow, it's almost like he tripped and fell into this one. "Oh," I comment cheekily. "So, she's perfect?"

Daniel lets out a light laugh. "At cheering, yes."

"Anything else she's good at?" Noah asks lowly, winking at Daniel who's now shifting awkwardly in his seat.

His body language shows he's getting uncomfortable, making me wonder if it's because he does know what else she's good at or he wishes he did.

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