Arc 3: Phase 2: Prelude To Tenchi Bridge

Start from the beginning

Boruto gave a sighed." Well, I'm not really sure where to start but I guess during our conversation last night, you suddenly fell asleep right on my shoulder." He explained.

"Then that means?"

Boruto simply nodded." Yeah, I carried you all the way here." He said as he placed both his hands on his pockets.

"Oh." Sarada muttered under breath. She was starting to feel a little bit awkward about the situation right now. Not a single thing was coming to her mind right now thus leaving her loss for words except that she wondered if anyone saw her unconscious and being carried by her teammate during that night.

As for Boruto, he just sighed but gave a smile." Hey listen by the way, since you're awake now, maybe we can go outside and have breakfast, My stomach is killing me right now." He said while giving a slight chuckle.

There was a little bit of quietness that took over for a few moments. Sarada blinked a couple of times as her brain absorbed the information that her teammate had given to her just now. When she finally snapped back to reality, another question popped into her mind.

"So is it gonna be your treat?" Sarada asked, giving her hopeful and puppy eyes.

Boruto gave a sighed and nodded." Yeah, it's my treat, so hurry up and get dressed or else." He said.

"Or else what?" Sarada asked. She was a bit confused on this one. She wondered why the knucklehead was impatient and eager to go outside when they still have a lot of time.

It was another question that caused the blonde to scratched the back of his head with a little annoyance. He knew that he was in a race against time and he had little time left. He was glad that his teammate woke up this early but it wasn't time for slow poking. So he got straight to the point.

"Or else those buns would be gone in a matter of minutes."


"The moment he said that it was his treat, I immediately thought this was a dream inside a dream, but it doesn't matter, I want those buns so bad.



Sarada wasn't really exactly sure on whether she should've just gave up awhile ago or continue the fight as she found herself almost being squeezed like a pancake by the masses of customers, who were insanely and currently flooding a bakery shop which sold Yakisoba Buns that her teammate was craving all this time.

Sarada was tasked to find seats for themselves while the other went on to buy the buns in the midst of the little chaos.

It was like a stuff of nightmare as if she was thrown in some kind of zombie horror movie where she found herself beginning to get overwhelmed and buried under the sea of customers. She tried to fight her way through but, it was too much as she was suddenly tripped by a random foot and was now on her way to the ground.

However, it was not until something unexpected happened. Sarada had already cringed and closed her eyes for a moment to braced for impact, only to be caught by an unsuspecting hand which belonged to the crowd.

"Careful there Miss." A male voice was then heard at the same time the Uchiha girl was save from falling.

Sarada immediately regained her balance and stood up straight. Her first thought was to thank the person that helped and caught her." Thank you so much for helping me." She then said while turning to the good person that helped her.

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