Hi Peepz :>

1.6K 42 3

Together: Hello, we're CrazyBisches! Long time no see. Surprise...

CrazyBlondie: But never mind, let us rise again!
Oh, wow it rhymed, I guess I can be a rapper now. Where do I sign to Bit Hit?

CrazyMommy: It only rhymes when you delete the 'again', sweetie.

CrazyBlondie: Anywaaaay... let's just say what is needed to be said.

Together: We're still bisches, that can't really find the time to work on our stories because of shit ton of school work (and the fact that we only write (some) fanfictions on this acc together). But we came to the conclusion after hours and hours and hours and hours and hours of discussing, that we will now edit Bloodlust so the feeling you get while reading will become better and we need to make sure we didn't forget to mention anything important. After we've successfully edited everything, we will go on with the story. Don't worry, we won't change anything in the plot so you don't have to read it all over again.

Just remember that if Wattpad starts to fck up Bloodlust, it's just because we are editing it. We apologize in advance :)

CrazyMommy: Also, I've realized that we have 75k reads?!?! Like what are y'all doing? Thank you so much! I can remember that I was as excited as a puppy can get when we got our first 100 reads TuT

CrazyBlondie: Naaw, Mommy was a puppy~ Maybe we should change your name XD 
And tbh, I don't really know if I should be happy with 75k reads. Like, I really appreciate it butt so much attention is.... wooooooooooow.... too much, idk

CrazyMommy: Yeah, I know what you mean .-. I really look up to well known people because I can't even handle anonymous people reading our anonymous written story lol. But I've got to say, I feel really honored :] Shout out to all the Gentlepeople reading this

CrazyBlondie: Let me disturb this beautiful speech. We should go and work our butts off.

CrazyMommy: Yes, Ma'am! ByeBye humans <3

CrazyBlondie: Let's go, Mommy! Bye folks~

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2019 ⏰

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