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4PM! God... My sleeping pattern is fucked up. It's not healthy... Not like I care anyway.


POV: Yoongi

After lying in bed for almost half an hour I stood up and went to the bathroom to fresh myself up. On my way there I had to go through the living-room which is connected to the kitchen and met Hoseok there. Alone. 

"Where did the midget go?" I asked confused.

"I sent him home. I mean it wouldn't be good if he saw you eating raw meat." He giggled. 

I hummed in response and walked to the bathroom. As I finished I heard Hobie calling for me so I went to him only wearing fresh boxer shorts. 

"I have already pre- Yoongi!! Put some clothes on!" He yelled at me and looked away. 

"Well, it's not like you have never seen me naked before. Moreover, you also walk around topless."(A/N: pun intended) I smirked. "Why does it bother you now?" I crossed my arms. "Are you hiding something from me?"

"Stop being ridiculous!" he blushed. "And actually there is something I haven't told you yet. A girl from one of my classes confessed to me last Friday. She is really cute~"

"Are you going out with her?" 

"No, I am not. I turned her down because I didn't have any feelings for her at that time. But since then I always look at her and somehow I'm falling for her, I think."  He explained dreamily. "Before you ask more - Go put something on!" 

I sighed and went to my room. To think that this human who didn't care about love before has now a crush... is strange. Well, people change. He is slowly becoming an adult. Kind of sad... The day he will leave me is getting closer. It sucks not to age, to always stay the same till you are killed by somebody or by yourself. 


-Vampires are strong, quick, good-looking and usually rich beings

-They don't age nor die from diseases; can only be killed

-They live among humans secretly or separate themselves from them and live in hiding

-They don't like the sun - more likely to get a sunburn and they suffer from it more than humans

-Things they can consume: raw meat, blood and beverages (If they eat human food they have to throw up)

-Relationships between humans and vampires are allowed but vampires find them disgusting 


After getting dressed up in a black t-shirt and gray sweatpants I strolled to my flatmate. I sat down on the chair and asked. "So, are you going to tell this girl about your feelings?" 

"I'll wait for a bit. I don't want to hurt her, you know - I am not sure about my feeling yet and giving her fake hopes would hurt her even more than turning her down a second time." He admitted and laid the plate with my meat on the table in front of me. "Here, this time it's chicken~" He smiled at me. 

I thanked him and started to eat. "But don't wait for too long. Not that she'll get over you - leaving you with a broken heart." 

"I know. But thank you for worrying~" He cooed. "And to answer your question: I don't want to see you naked because you look so female that I had to think about her and it makes me feel uncomfortable." He explained and sat down with his plate full of something which should be food I think.

"The fuck. Okay..." I put a disgusted expression on my face. "But what are you eating there?" I pointed to the pink things. Why is it pink again? From where is he getting this... 'food'.

"Jin gave me some of his new pink waffles that taste like cinnamon." He explained. 

"Cinnamon? Why is it pink though? It doesn't make sense..." I furrowed my brows trying to understand the deal behind it. 

"To be honest, I don't know." He said before taking the first bite. Unfortunately for him, it doesn't seem like they tasted good because he suddenly stood up, took a glass and pour some water inside hectically. This whole scene looked so funny that I couldn't hold back and had to laugh out loud and earned a death glare from my best friend.

"Stop laughing! It's not funny." He took a sip. "I think he messed up salt and sugar. It's almost as salty as you." He said as he took the failed waffles to throw them away. 

After he made himself some waffles and we ate our food peacefully he turned around with a mischievous smile. "What?" I asked quietly - unsure what he is about to do. 

He seized my arm and pulled me towards the couch. "Let's watch a movie~" He sang.

"Why?" I don't wanna...

"Because I want to eat popcorn and because I said so." He stated as he pushed me down on the couch and went to the cupboard which is usually full with all of his sweets. He took out the popcorn and the remote control from the small desk standing in front of the couch. 

"What do you want to watch?" He asked me and turned on the TV. 

"I don't care as long as it's not a horror movie nor a romance." I leaned back and crossed my legs.

"Okay, so let's watch 'Twilight'!" He shouted happily. 

"What kind of movie is that?"

"YOU DON'T KNOW 'TWILIGHT'???" He complained loudly causing me to roll my eyes. 

"Well, I wouldn't be asking you if knew it." Tiresome...

"You will see what it is about~" he smiled mischievously once again and started the film. What's his problem? 

~~~Time skip: after the movie~~~

"Who the fuck wrote this plot?" I asked annoyed. "He doesn't know anything about us... the hell like we start to glow in sunlight..." (A/N: We like the movie and the plot - it just fits good in here ^^"

"Well, the majority of my species don't even know that you guys actually exist so don't judge the director." Hobie tried to calm me down. He is right. And well, some things were right. Like us being pale and not aging. 

"What time do we have now?" Hobie asked himself as he took his phone from the small desk. "8PM... We still have plenty of time till going to sleep. Do you want to watch the second part called 'New Moon'?" 

"There is a second part of this shit? People actually watch that?" I asked not believing it.

"Yeah, there are five parts. And to be honest I also like them all." My flatmate pouted. 

"Okay, okay. Let's watch it. Maybe I'll start to like it." Not gonna happen!

"But we will have to go to sleep afterward - I don't want to be late for our meeting tomorrow." 

A meeting? Ah... The one with this talentless idiot Namjoon. Well, I do wonder how he is like in real. "What time do we have to be there?" I asked genuinely interested because I wanted to know if I had to get up in the morning which would be very tiresome.

"Oh... I didn't tell you? We will meet in Namjoon's father's bakery Kims' at 2PM. Don't worry, I'm gonna get you out of the bed in time." Hobie explained.

2PM? That's way too early for me... My sleeping pattern is already fucked up enough. I wonder how Hoseok is going to get me out of my warm bed in the morning. I hope for him we'll get there on time - He hates being late. 

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