(╭☞ಠᗜಠ)╭☞Prologue (1/2)

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POV: Hoseok's Mom 

I was still waiting for my son to come home as I was sitting in the kitchen. It's late! He should be home by now. Where the hell is he? Who does he think he is to disobey me? I said half past seven!

My husband was already asleep because he came home from a business trip today. Since he was looking so exhausted and I can't stand his drained face, it's too ugly,  I told him to go to sleep without me and that I would be waiting for Hoseok to come home.

Suddenly I heard some noise outside the front door which made me go there and look through the peeping hole. There he is!
I harshly opened the door and prevented him from entering my house, which startled my son and caused him to let out a shriek, but I didn't care about scaring him. He should man up already.

"Where have you been? You know that you must go home right after your training, this was one of the conditions, why you are allowed to go there after all. What have you been thinking?!" I let out in anger. Hoseok lifted his head and looked at me with tears in his eyes. "And stop crying! You're not a child anymore, for fuck's sake!"

"It's not his fault." a strange voice said to me. I looked behind Hoseok and realized that there's a young man behind him. He was thin, had blond hair and an emotionless face. His skin was white and his dead gaze send a shiver down my spine. Usually, people have at least a bit of life in their eyes - his didn't. Not one bit which scared me. Normally, I wouldn't be afraid of people like him, this was strange. I didn't like him, he made me feel uneasy.

"Who is that? Is he the one you've spent the whole time with? Why are you socializing with people like him? Can't you see that he's a bad influence on you? He dyed his hair!" I yelled at him. "I bet he doesn't have a job either, maybe even no degree!"
I could feel myself getting hysterical, this man's expression didn't change at all. He didn't get scared, it seemed like he ignored my behavior.

I saw Hoseok's sad and scared expression slowly but surely turning into an angry one.
"Why are you always like this? Just to let you know, he saved my life today and I wanted to thank him by taking him home since he doesn't have one! But, of course, the only thing you can do is to be judgmental!"
It was the first time I saw him act that way or even yell at me, I didn't know how to react at all due to me being shocked. 

"What's going on here? Can't I sleep in peace, geez?" Mumbled my sleepy husband, coming down the stairs.

"This guy saved my life and mom doesn't want to let us in because of his hair. It's just hair!" Hoseok yelled frustrated but it rather sounded whiny.

I heard my husband sigh. "Just let them in, honey. Stop judging him, let our son tell what happened and be thankful that he's okay."



Have a nice day~

~your CrazyBisches

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