Chapter 1: Defying death

Start from the beginning

"Fight Toothless!! FIGHT!!" I cried out, but one of my fathers bodyguards kneed me in the gut and the other one punched me across the face and told me to shut my traitorous mouth. I suppose my cries of pain unleashed something inside of Toothless, because he then wrapped his tail tightly around Egil's throat and threw him at Boarnut, causing the two blond haired Viking men to collide into each other.

Toothless's eyes were thin slits, his teeth were bared and he let an ear piercing roar as all the Hooligan warriors present actually trembled in fear at the sight of such raw fury. The only Viking present that didn't flinch was my father— Stoick the Vast. His demeanor was firm, fearless and determined. He swung his war hammer and raised his shield up, whilst Toothless crouched low on all fours and hissed at my father; warning him not to test him even further.

"Come devil. Meet your end." Stoick boomed out while he banged his war hammer against his shield, deciding to oblige my fathers challenge, Toothless fired a plasma bolt right at my fathers war hammer, successfully disarming him, my faithful dragon fired a second plasma blast right at my fathers shield, blowing it to bits. When there was nothing for my father to defend himself with, Toothless pounced and pinned my father by the throat and gave was about to go for the kill, until...


A disgusting crunch filled the air as Toothless's eyes then rolled in the back of his head and he fell dead right on top of my father. My vision blurred with tears and I let out a sorrowful cry while thrashing violently, but my fathers guards held me in place.

Looking at the back of Toothless's head, I could see a battle axe embedded there. Not just any battle axe, the battle axe of Egil's only daughter— Astrid Hofferson. I could see the girl standing a few feet away from Toothless with her body in the position that told me that she was the one who let her axe fly and in the act? She killed the only living being I ever truly cared about in Midgard.

Stoick pushed Toothless's dead corpse off his body and got to his feet before turning to me with a murderous, disgusted and disbelieving look. "Get this traitor out of my sight." Stoick said to his guards, they nodded and one of them drew their sword and bashed the butt of the weapon against the back of my head and my vision began to darken. Before I was cast into darkness, I took one last look at the only creature who accepted me for being me; I didn't have to be someone I wasn't to earn Toothless's friendship, and now these... animals have robbed me of my best friend. I then let out an agonizing moan and murmur out while reaching for my now dead friend.


(Present day)

"Skol! To Astrid Hofferson! Slayer of the Unholy Offspring of Lightning and Death Itself!!"


Hearing those animals raising horns of mead in her name made me let out an enraged roar as I began punching the stone wall while letting tears pour down my cheeks. When my knuckles were bloodies and nearly devoid of all its skin? I rested my forehead against my cells wall and wept bitterly. I was no stranger to suffering, I was actually quite intimate with it. Because... a hiccup is meant to be put to death. Let to die in the woods or thrown off the cliffs. But my mother, spared my life and convinced my father to see that one day I'll be the greatest Viking to have ever lived and that the whole world would know and fear me.

How the gods can be cruel.

My mother was taken by dragons shortly after she had convinced my father to spare my life and since then? My father and my people have treated me lower than a slave. I've suffered physical, verbal and... sexual abuse.

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