06 - captain obvious

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"i'm a simple person who hides a thousand feelings behind a simple smile"



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Scarlett could feel herself being lifted up by a pair of strong arms, a familiar masculine cologne engulfing her senses. The heat that radiated from the hard body that she was currently being pressed against only caused her to snuggle even closer to the source of warmth.

She felt herself being carried up what she assumed was a flight of stairs, and that was when her eyes fluttered open in confusion. As her eyes adjusted to the brightness, a familiar face came into view.

Kane had been the one carrying her, and although she would never admit it to him, he smelled divine. He hadn't noticed that she had woken up until she began rubbing her eyes with the back of her fist. At this action, Kane glanced down at the girl in his arms.

"You're awake." He noted. Scarlett refrained from rolling her eyes.

"Thanks, Captain Obvious."

Kane raised a perfectly arched brow at her. "I could just drop you, you know?"

As he said this, he allowed his grip around her to loosen, causing Scarlett to let out a frightened squeal. Immediately, her arms reached out to wrap themselves around Kane's neck, tightening her hold as she hid her face in the crook of his neck. She had to stop herself from taking a big sniff, because as good as he smelled, that would just be creepy.

"Kane!" She shrieked. "Don't drop me."

His chuckles surrounded the two as he kept walking, his arms tightening around her once again to confine her in a safe and secure grip. For some absurd reason, Kane felt his pulse quicken as she snuggled into him, her fingers lightly grazing the back of his neck.

"I would never." He whispered, his voice uncharacteristically hoarse.

Kane didn't understand why he was feeling this way, why his body was reacting like this. Even under the most stressful situations, Kane had always been known for keeping a cool head, for always being levelheaded and calm. So why the hell was his heart racing?

Shaking it off, he cleared his throat before attempting to ease the obvious tension that was beginning to build up between the two. "Plus, I don't think your father would be too happy if I let you tumble down the steps." He quickly said.

"You can put me down now." Scarlett mumbled, her cheeks heating up as she noticed their close proximity. "I can walk."

Kane only repeated her words from earlier, mocking her. "Thanks, Captain Obvious."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2020 ⏰

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