03 - mesmerized

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"She was one of the rare ones, so effortlessly herself, and the world loved her for it."



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There have only been three moments in his life where Kane Kingston had been taken by surprise— once when he dared one of his fellow gang members to jump off a bridge when they were six and he did, another when he lost his pinky finger in a shootout and didn't even feel it, and the third time was at this very moment.

Kane staggered a couple steps backwards, not because of the force behind the punch, but because of the girl standing before him. Sure, he had studied her file before he accepted this mission, but the pictures were at least a couple years old and a measly film did no justice to capture the beauty of the mesmerizing girl that was Scarlett Vitale.

"That hurt like a biscuit!" She exclaimed, clutching her wrist and successfully pulling Kane out of his trance.

He could only stand there in utter astonishment as the enthralling beauty held him captive with only her eyes. For some unknown, unexplainable reason, Kane felt a heated shock flare through him as he stared at her.

Her eyes, Kane decided, were the color of the sea after a storm. A mixture between sea blue and deep green— the best of both worlds.

And god damn, were they beautiful.

In his many years of experience in this particular line of work, Kane had come across plenty of gorgeous women. But none of them compared to the youthful, innocent beauty of Scarlett Vitale. With a playful smile on his face, Kane returned his attention to the girl.

"Woah there, Mike Tyson." Kane found himself teasing the girl uncharacteristically so. "Next time you punch someone, you might not want to tuck your thumbs into your fists. Unless you want to break them, that is."

"How about I break your thumbs?" Scarlett snapped at him, her voice laced with irritation.

Amusement danced in Kane's golden orbs as the girl stared him down. For such a tiny creature, her attitude surely was sky high. He could already tell that Scarlett was one of those people who were easily irritated, and Kane already knew that he was going to thoroughly enjoy provoking her.

Perhaps I could have a little fun with this mission, Kane thought.

"I think I might get arthritis from old age first before you manage to even break one of my thumbs." Kane muttered. "How are you the daughter of one of the most powerful gang leaders? You can't even throw a punch and my god, your form is terrible."

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