3. Entente

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This was a first. He's never had anyone willing to help him with the daunting task of saving the future before. Especially not with someone as young as himself. Not to mention the fact that she somehow had been following him this whole time. It struck a sense of unease in his chest as he looked at her hand.

"Silver. I am not your enemy." Moly repeated.

He looked down at her hand, the gently glowing rich shade of indigo radiating from the symbol. What do I do? I can't just team up with some random weirdo who has been following me for so long! But... then again, she did sort of save me... If she hadn't come in when she did, I wouldn't even be here. Not to mention she's shared her food and let me recover... surely she must not mean any harm if she's this hospitable.

"Okay. I believe you." Taking the fox's hand and standing up, he smiled. He didn't have much to lose by trusting someone like her, especially since she saved his life.

"Good." The fox smiled at him before heading back to her small campsite. She gestured to the makeshift leaf bed he was once laying on, reaching for her mortar and pestle as he sat back down.

"So... why do you follow me?" He began, watching as she grinds up some herbs and a bit of water. Was she some type of medic? "And uh... how?"

"Curiosity and discovery." The simplicity in her response was mysterious. She focused on her herbalism as She continued, "There aren't many like us. Not anymore."

"Like us?"

"Ones that have the gift."

Silver looked down, remembering that before he had his mini freak-out, they were talking about their abilities. He looked at his palms, realizing just how battle-scarred they were. The vibrant teal symbols on his hands were dull, indicating that he had overexerted his psychokinesis. Sighing, he set his hands to his sides as he watched the fox concentrate.

"Moly, where are you from?"

Staying silent, the fox took a bandage from her bag, smearing the paste on the cloth before looking up at him. "I was in Onyx City when you banished the Devourer."

"Yeah you mentioned that, but I've never seen you around though. Granted, the only people I've seen are either kids or working class. Not anyone like you or me."

"I don't tend to come out that much. At least not in the day." She spoke softly, in her own train of thought as she treated his wounds. "Daytime is dangerous in the City."

"But how do you stay hidden? Wandering at night is strictly prohibited. Those bots, they-"

"Aren't programmed to deal with beings like us." She cut him off, staring into his gold eyes. Her expression was unreadable but stood on the lines of solemn and distant.

Silver thought about what she had said, watching as she began to wrap the bandage around his scratched up arm. She seemed out of focus as if her mind was somewhere else. Yet, she was still patching him up.

"Right... The Council- the science center, they can't find people like us. Because if they did..."

"We won't come back."

They spoke in unison as Moly tied the bandage off, setting her medicinal salve to the side as she applied to her fingers before rubbing it into Silver's knees. The shock of the cold salve on his burning scar made him wince. He was thankful for the cooling relief that followed, shutting out the shock and pain. He'd forgotten just how much hurt his body was in from that fight.

There was a dreary pause between the two of them as the rain began to lighten its downfall. The fox finished applying the salve, staring idly down at her hands on her lap.

Sensing that she was upset, Silver reached his hand out to her but stopped, thinking it was the wrong way to comfort her. Jeez, he's been alone for so long that he forgot how to properly console someone.

"I'm uh... Sorry if I-"

"No, you haven't done anything."

More silence before Moly stood up, walking out of her tent.

Please, rest easy. You're safe here. I will return momentarily.

The telepath walked away into the dwindling rain. Silver, now alone in this small (albeit cozy) tent, blankly stared as he laid down.

Talk about making a bad first impression. "Oh hey, wanna talk about the city that everyone hates?" Good going, Silver! Way to repay this person's hospitality! He sighed internally as he shut his eyes. Just how long has she been following me though? He opened his eyes, staring at the interior of the tent. She said that she's saved my life more than that one time, so she must've been around for longer than I realized. 

The very thought of unknowingly being watched as he battled and traveled through time made him shudder. He didn't like being followed let alone being watched or admired... at least he wasn't sure if he was okay with it. He's never seen himself as interesting enough to be considered admirable or anything like that, definitely not worth following around since that alone was dangerous. The whole point of his time travel was to undo Enigma's corruption evident of the comets that fell every so often. It was dangerous work, but he did it to save and keep his timeline together. He didn't want anyone getting hurt.

She said she was curious about me and... maybe she wants to help me stop Enigma? He sat up, now looking at the gentle rainfall outside. If that's the case, she can just come out and say it. She seems capable enough to handle herself in battle. Not to mention her healing abilities... with that thought, he looked at his bandage on his arm. It still hurt, but at least that... herb paste thing was helping with the burning. She'd be helpful at distracting Enigma long enough for me to take the Astrum... 

Sighing from all the thoughts swimming around, Silver lay back down and closed his eyes. He still felt so tired and sore from that battle, besides, Moly said she'll be back soon, so maybe it was safe enough to rest for the night.

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